Page 44 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 44

Intelligent BUILDINGS

          Data Governance and Standards –

          The Key to Intelligent Buildings

          Dave Clute
          VP, Intelligent Building Practice
          Environmental Systems Design (ESD)

                he importance of providing a well-defined data gover-  Graphic data  Within the built environment, graphic data typ-
                nance strategy and adopting standards is more import-  ically means 2D or 3D drawings, diagrams, charts, photographs,
          T ant than ever in our quest to                                             videos or images.
          define, design and deliver intelligent   “With the rapid growth of the Internet   Tabular data  A table is an
          buildings. This topic has been the   of Things (IoT), the need to define and   arrangement of data in rows and
          subject of panel discussions, pre-                                          columns or possibly in a more com-
          sentations and educational sessions   adopt common data standards has       plex structure. Tables appear in print
          at Realcomm conferences for the    gained even more importance.”            media, handwritten notes, computer
          past 15 years, but we still have much                                       software and many other places.
          work to do.                                                During the design and construction of new buildings, it is
            With the rapid growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), the   often easier to implement a common set of data standards
          need to define and adopt common data standards has           because we can create spatial, graphic and tabular data
          gained even more importance. The Open Standards                starting with a clean slate. It is much more difficult
          Consortium for Real Estate recently launched the                 with existing buildings, where we are inheriting
          OSCRE Academy to help define what data gover-                      legacy definitions and interpretations. Either
          nance means and how we can achieve a higher                          way, the path to achieving an Intelligent
          level of understanding and adoption.                                   Building, often referred to as the Intelligent
            The built environment depends on                                       Building Roadmap, depends on adopt-
          three basic types of data:                                                 ing a common set of data standards
            Spatial (or geospatial) data                                               across an organization.
          This is the type of data found in                                               How do we get there? Like any
          Geographic Information Systems                                                  journey, it starts with a map
          (GIS) and applications. A GIS                                                     with an origin and a des-
          lets us visualize, question,                                                        tination. We can define
          analyze and interpret data                                                            our starting point, our
          to understand relation-                                                                 origin, by conduct-
          ships, patterns and                                                                       ing an assessment
          trends.                                                                                     of what data do

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