Page 47 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
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CRE profits fast. Conversely, smart buildings promote proactive represent a coordination of technologies and advisory services
maintenance. Using real-time data, smart building managers cut that create a new infrastructure in commercial buildings to en-
cost by recognizing problems before they get out of hand. This able the changes in processes and the benefits described above.”
reduces the number of truck rolls and improves long-term deci- Namely, information technology, a core driver in the IoT
sions relative to equipment investment and replacement. movement, serves to facilitate system integration, networking,
Increase Tenant Satisfaction: Strong landlord-tenant interaction communications, and data management. It effectively collects
breeds loyalty which breeds tenant and communicates actionable
retention. Smart buildings facilitate “…to avoid being perceived as information from building sys-
the interaction by responding to irrelevant—CRE decision-makers must tems, including legacy systems,
tenant needs, supporting both an agree to adopt smart technology, and to CRE stakeholders, for improved
integrated, technology-enabled analytics and proactive facilities
workplace and conscientious energy then acquire the technical resources to management.
management practices. With smart integrate it into existing systems.” As well, the pressure for CRE
building solutions in place, landlords firms to technically staff up is no
can achieve: longer a table stake. Outsourced advisory services have bridged
• Dynamic lighting and HVAC control for improved tenant the gap, allowing CRE executives to focus on what they do best,
comfort while trained professionals provide 24/7 vigil over critical systems.
• Proactive, responsive facilities management using real-time This combined IoT platform now offers CRE firms the tech-
information delivered via IoT technology nical expertise, integrated technology and single version of
• Significant reductions in energy consumption for a more truth required to effectively manage equipment, reduce energy
attractive brand and healthier bottom line consumption, improve tenant service, differentiate in a crowded
marketplace and supercharge the bottom line.
The “D” Word No Longer a Threat
So, if smart building technology really can support all that, why An Industry on the Brink of a Breakthrough
aren’t more CRE firms jumping into the smart building pool? In all fairness, CRE executives today do not deserve the Luddite
The answer may be that, historically, smart building tech- label. Luddites, after all, marched against and destroyed the
nology has presented mostly point solutions on the way to a technology they so feared. Conversely, the CRE world is actively
patchwork version of nirvana. One HVAC remote monitoring seeking new input and embracing smart building technology
solution gets deployed here, followed by a lighting control sys- with great interest.
tem deployed there, leading to a separate security sensor system As the record turnout for Realcomm’s technology panel
deployed somewhere else. In short order, more chaotic disrup- recently demonstrated, today’s CRE industry is ready for a new
tion is created than cohesion, amounting to what one Realcomm injection of success. And smart building technology is providing
panelist labeled “the D word,” anathema to CRE executives it. Wherever there is a way to maximize profits, optimize man-
everywhere. agement and increase tenant satisfaction, you can be sure CRE
The good news is smart building technology has evolved leaders will be leading the charge.
appreciably. Advances in technology and partnerships among
technology companies have addressed much of the patch- Jon Bolen is COO at ENTOUCH, a leading smart building
work problem. And, with proven cloud-based Software as a solutions provider serving more than 4,000 locations across North
Service (SaaS) now an accepted reality, the cost to incremen- America. Jon oversees operations, account management and
tally implement a program has dropped dramatically, elimi- engineering for the firm. His customer-centric business philosophy
nating upfront capital costs and paving the way for adoption helps shape ENTOUCH strategy, backed by a disciplined
by subscription service. approach to tactical execution. Jon brings nearly 20 years of experience to the table,
To quote Navigant Research, “IoT smart building systems having successfully scaled businesses and delivered results throughout his career.
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