Page 48 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 48


          Building Power Plants – Property Owners

          Begin to Embrace Microgrid Strategies

          Adam Maher
          Senior Vice President

            t’s energy storage’s moment to shine. Battery technology has   A corporate campus, REIT, shopping center or other commer-
            come of age and is addressing the intermittency challenges   cial/industrial property concern that wants to invest in its own
         Ithat have held back wind and solar deployments for years.   power-plant capabilities should take a technology-agnostic
          Some utilities have invested in large-scale storage systems to   approach to finding the best mix of clean, renewable energy
          deliver flexible capacity at peak times. Here, energy storage is   sources and energy management software. The microgrid must
          poised to eclipse any need for firing up old, inefficient peaking   be designed around your unique buildings, your business, your
          power plants.                                                                 load profile, and the way utilities
            But eclipses can also be blinding.                                          operate in your part of the country.
          Many in the market seem to be                                                   Achieving the best microgrid
          missing the whole picture when                                                configuration and the fastest
          strategizing about how to profit                                              investment payback starts by
          from the energy transformation in                                             picking the right grid develop-
          process right now. There is a trend to                                        ment partner, a partner who can
          put one energy resource behind one                                            guide you through production
          meter and call the job done. Solar                                            options: solar, wind, diesel, etc.
          plus battery storage is a powerful                                            The project team should objec-
          combination, and free energy should                                           tively evaluate the optimal mix of
          be a component in your microgrid                                              distributed energy resources and
          strategy. But only when free energy                                           financially model long-term per-
          is combined with a controls strat-  “…only when free energy is combined       formance, considering financing
          egy—that also makes the most of   with a controls strategy–that also makes    options, state and local programs,
          software analytics and your existing                                          recurring maintenance costs and
          utility relationship—will you be able   the most of software analytics and your   performance degradation. Astute
          to maximize financial returns.  existing utility relationship–will you be     evaluation of all these factors is
            There is so much potential power   able to maximize financial returns.”     key to making the right decisions.
          and savings not realized when you                                             The prospect of doing such thor-
          enter a long-term contract with a single vendor—when you   ough pre-planning may seem daunting, but it is no reason to
          don’t have a bigger future energy ownership plan. Consider   retreat to ‘one resource behind one meter’—i.e. just solar or just
          the approach taken by Google (Alphabet), Apple, Microsoft,   batteries. Bulk application of a partial solution is never a formula
          Amazon and Facebook as they pursue the goal of using 100%   for success, much less so in a market as complex as the commer-
          clean energy. They are not only microgrid operators, some are   cial/retail world.
          forming energy subsidiaries inside their companies. Driven by   When you have the right tools and experience, doing such
          their charter to defend the country, military microgrid operators   evaluations can be a straightforward exercise. At CleanSpark,
          are even farther ahead in terms of orchestrating their multiple   we start our microgrid design and engineering projects by
          clean-energy power plants with projects like the FractalGrid at   hacking the existing utility bill, finding all the ways to attack
          Camp Pendleton. Both big-data and military campuses have   energy costs and to beat the utility at its own game of rate
          dynamic, upper-hand relationships with local utilities. They are   structures and energy supply and demand. We were early to
          changing the energy landscape for other microgrid operators,   the microgrid market after years of working behind the scenes
          but you need to be in that class to be positioned to make sim-  on military microgrids. Software evaluates thousands of scenari-
          ilar energy cost management, sustainability, predictability and   os and algorithmically models the best payback so the custom-
          resiliency gains.                                      er understands what they should build—i.e., what distributed

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