Page 46 - REALCOMM EDGE-Fall 2017-FINAL
P. 46


          Early Adopters of Smart Building Technology

          Will Have the Advantage

          Jon Bolen

                 s CRE leaders begin to leverage technology to maximize   Historically, the CRE business has centered on conducting
                 profits, smooth operations and delight tenants, a less   transactions, writing lease and sales contracts, and supporting
          A progressive perception still lingers. In a panel discus-  tenants through siloed facilities management and business
          sion offered at the Realcomm conference in San Diego in June,   services. However, a powerful new consumer group known as
          a comment from one of the presenters                                  millennials is now challenging this status
          sent an uncomfortable wave of chuckles                                quo. They bring a new set of expectations to
          rippling through the room. Addressing                                 the negotiating table, desiring a technology-
          the group of commercial and corporate                                 enabled experience at work and at home,
          real estate and technology professionals,                             delivered in an eco-friendly and sustainable
          the presenter declared, “We’re changing,                              manner. And, they can be no longer be
          and it’s not a decision. We don’t want to                             marginalized or ignored. A recent Brookings
          be Luddites 15 years from now making                                  report predicted that Millennials will make
          horse carriages.”                                                     up nearly 75% of the workforce by 2025.
            The comment was made in reference                                   Long-term revenue growth and profitability
          to the force of innovation and change in                              will depend on satisfying this dominant and
          commercial real estate, and how typically slow the industry is   increasingly influential demographic.
          to adopt new ways of thinking. As you know, the Luddites were   To leverage this market dynamic—and more importantly, to
          a 19th century labor group that protested the introduction of   avoid being perceived as irrelevant—CRE decision-makers must
          technology for fear their skills would be replaced by machines.  agree to adopt smart technology, and then acquire the technical
            According to a Navigant research study commissioned by   resources to integrate it into existing systems. It’s not just about
          ENTOUCH, smart building technology investments are begin-  deploying technology for technology’s sake. It’s about improving
          ning to gain momentum. Revenues generated from the sale   the business and sustaining success well into the future.
          of commercial IoT devices—a core technology used in smart   As one survey participant put it, “A building is a building. They
          buildings—are projected to rise at a compound annual growth   have changed very little. But, experience and use has changed
          rate (CAGR) of 8.2 percent over the next 10 years.     significantly, and we need to understand that.”
            Still, CRE executives remain cautious. As one Navigant survey
          respondent and president of an international CRE services firm   Measurable Benefits for Those Willing to Make a Move
          put it, “Change is so dramatic, and fear of the unknown is real.”  For an industry that prides itself on long-standing success,
            Expert panelists at Realcomm corroborated the notion, citing a   the best place to start is by examining how technology can
          less than three percent adoption rate of smart building technol-  achieve fundamental business goals. Three key priorities are
          ogy among CRE enterprises, despite CRE staking a 14 percent   well worth examining:
          share of gross domestic product. One panelist went so far as   Maximize Profit: Making the most out of every lease and sale
          to suggest that venture capital investments have been “more   is what defines CRE success. The fact is, millennial executives will
          aggressive in cannabis” stocks than in CRE technology.  go the extra mile to set up shop in a building that supports a
            So what is the hold up? Could it be ‘success’? CRE companies   tech-enabled workspace and protects the environment. Because
          have made money consistently over many decades, so what’s the   of this, smart buildings retain tenants longer and sell for higher
          incentive to change?                                   profits. In light of this, the market for global building energy
                                                                 management systems (BEMS) is expected to grow to $5.2 billion
          Study Shows Industry Prime for Change                  by 2020, at a CAGR of 17 percent from 2017.
          The Navigant study suggests there is much to change, and   Optimize Management: Reactive equipment repair and main-
          it is benefiting the early movers in surprisingly short order.   tenance is expensive. Boots on the ground and truck rolls eat up

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