Page 47 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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employees to work in the basement in a room with poor   environmental and wellbeing KPIs for each of the buildings
            lighting, near a noisy boiler. Erik agrees to solve this problem   generated by real-time updates made to the IWMS from the
            and to review the human-robot interaction, training policies   sensors that monitor and automatically repair the building
            and procedures. Clearly this robot boss doesn’t completely   management systems, as well as from the people analytics
            understand the correlation between human productivity,   monitoring systems. The Internet of Things (IoT) provides
            acoustics and lighting. Wendy’s team will need to review   information representing the DNA of each structure. Wendy
            data and heat maps to find a better place for Dexter’s human   has created a Building Balanced Scorecard with this data and
            employees.                                             Alliance members and other executives, with permission,
          •  Wendy created a Building Digital Workplace program within   can access the dashboard to monitor the performance of
            the broader Digital Workplace Alliance for work performed   each of the buildings in the portfolio in real time.
            by her placemaking team. They are knowledge workers with   At the close of the meeting, Wendy recalled the impetus of
            specialized requirements for the work they do in choosing   the Building Digital Workplace program, which was the brain
            the right locations, designing and building, as well as op-  child of Gartner analysts who advised the Digital Transformation
            erating, maintaining and creating new strategies for all the   Sector on the latest concepts in technology. It was truly an ‘aha’
            places they own and lease (including autonomous offices),   moment when one Gartner analyst explained to Omar that al-
            wherever they are                                  though they had made great strides with Erik on engaging and
            in the world.                                      retaining their top talent by implementing new software and
               The word ‘place-                                hardware tools, they had missed one vital component. They
            making’ used to be                                 were missing the Placemakers—real estate directors, architects,
            only for identifying                               interior designers, environmentalists, wellbeing experts and
            public community                                   all the people who are responsible for the physical workplace.
            spaces, but there is                               These people also needed key technologies to help them
            so much of a blur                                  create and manage the kind of workplace optimized for both
            between public                                     humans and robots to support the business.
            and private spaces                                   Wendy now needs to virtually travel to the headquarters office
            now that it has replaced the old concept of workplace   in London. She logs onto a monitor on one of the free address
            strategy. The other reason for the new nomenclature is   stand-up benches (first come, first serve type of place to work) in
            that places are no longer clearly separated into work, play   the sunlit greenhouse-like room which is filled with exotic plants.
            and live spaces. It seems that now in 2020 every place is so   She realizes that one of her team members is in Bristol today, and
            flexibly designed it can service any need.         Wendy knows that he finished a space plan for a remodel in the
          •  Place utilization is an entirely different problem now that   Covent Garden office late last night. She accesses the appropri-
            humans and robots inhabit the same space. Wendy notes   ate BIM and retrieves the new design for review. Wanting more
            that there are utilization issues, as service delivery and   information, she takes out her portable HoloLens and views
            maintenance robots are traveling through areas that are also   the model in an immersive environment in the mixed-reality
            being used by humans for collaboration. Her teamwill need   application and quickly realizes the design of the spaces is much
            to revisit robot-human sensor data to create the best design   too crowded as she ‘walks’ through the floor plan. Wendy will also
            to re-route the robots. Omar’s team will have to reprogram   have to inform the architect that the colors of the walls are not
            wayfinding for the robots and Erik’s team will have to discuss   the shade they had agreed to in their last discussion.
            with human workers and review policies.              But before she leaves for her last meeting of the day, Wendy
          •  Her portfolio of smart buildings is vulnerable to security   needs to review the latest photos of the upper façade of a build-
            breaches and digital vandalism which can cause economic,   ing her company owns that overlooks Lincoln Fields Park. The
            health and safety problems. As part of their weekly meeting,   soffit detailing was shot using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
            the Alliance reviews security breaches, addresses vulnerabili-  or drone. She uses this information to make design recommen-
            ty risks and develops a strategy for mitigation and avoidance.  dations and shares it with her team to determine the right type
          •  Machine and sensor generated ‘Fix                                           of robot to scale the building
            Me’ requests are coming in at a high                                         and repair this aging struc-
            rate. The Alliance examines the cur-                                         ture. They check their digital
            rent strategy, bottlenecks, and ma-                                          assistant on their phablets for
            chine-to-machine, machine-to-human,                                          scheduling options for the
            and human-to-machine processes to                                            robot and schedule the appro-
            recommend improvements.                                                      priate ‘worker’.
          •  The Alliance evaluates all the key per-                                       Later that day, Wendy
            formance indicators (KPI) for the digital                                    stands amid a noisy con-
            workplace. Wendy’s Building Digital                                          struction site of a new office
            Workplace data reveals the latest   Mixed reality. Source: Microsoft Hololens, Skanska, Studio 216.  building that will become

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