Page 51 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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New Engagement Opportunities

                                                                                             (Source: Navigant Research)

        provide a silver bullet for digital transformation. The breadth   articles highlighting the technology expectations of the next
        of customer expectations, existing building infrastructure, and   generation of business leaders. These employees expect
        business relationships creates a myriad of channels to develop   the convenience, comfort, and sustainability goals that they
        partnerships and establish a new market position for promoting   achieve with technology in their personal life should be
        intelligent building solutions. As illustrated below, the real estate   mirrored in their workspaces. The intelligence of a workspace
        industry has an opportunity to engage with a variety of solutions   is becoming a competitive differentiator for employers.
        providers to enhance the way it supports clients and occupants.
                                                               The Bottom Line
        #3 – Demand: Demonstrate Commitment to New Bottom-Up   CRE stakeholders should invest in IoT and intelligent building
        Pressure                                               solutions to demonstrate industry leadership, maximize
        Customers have new expectations for technology-driven   customer/employee comfort, and enhance the overall building
        experience in commercial buildings. This is a broad statement,   experience. The digital transformation of the commercial
        but research validates it. Whether you work for a REIT, manage   building will appeal to next generation company leaders,
        corporate real estate, or provide commercial services, investment   technology-driven consumers, and bring substance to corporate
        in intelligent building technologies can help demonstrate your   sustainability reports.
        commitment to key stakeholders—your occupants.
          •  Tenants: The commercial lease holder can reap multidimen-    Casey Talon is a principal research analyst with Navigant
            sional business benefits from intelligent building technolo-  Research. Prior to joining Navigant, Casey worked with both
            gies. For example, commercial spaces with smart, connected    public and private sector clients as an analyst and consultant at
            lighting plus software analytics can bring new insight to     Nexant, IDC Energy Insights, and Camco Clean Energy
            the executives responsible for signing the next lease. These   focused on energy efficiency, building technologies, sustainability,
            solutions can make the spaces more comfortable and            and climate change.
            convenient for their employees, which aligns with produc-
            tivity goals, but also provides insight into space use and the   1  10 Trends for Intelligent Buildings in 2017 and Beyond“ www.navi-
            square footage they need as they plan for their next lease. 1Q 2017
          •  Employees: For corporate property owners, happy employ-
            ees are the future of their business. There are innumerous

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