Page 42 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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          Exploiting the Financial Power of Data

          Marketing and Global Programs
          Altus Analytics

               conomist Intelligence Unit research found a clear link   allows you to centralize data and unify information from multiple
               between data focused organizations and financial   property management systems, and all departments—leases,
         E performance. Organizations who rated their use of data   accounting, investments, loans, etc.—giving you the complete
          as substantially ahead of their peers were three times more   picture of your portfolio. With all your data in one place, you can
          likely to also rate their financial                                           make insightful, trustworthy busi-
          performance as being substan-                                                 ness decisions and easily give your
          tially ahead.                                                                 clients the data they need.
            However, a significant
          portion of the commercial real                                                Universal Accessibility
          estate sector still maintains                                                 “Cloud is about how
          antiquated techniques in data                                                 you do computing,
          management and analytics,
          preventing them from pro-                                                     not where you do
          ducing best in class reporting                                                computing.”
          and accessing cutting-edge                                                    —Paul Maritz
          analytics that can allow them
          to make the best informed                                                     The cloud provides one integrated
          investment decisions. In an                                                   data source for all users across the
          increasingly competitive                                                      globe, and changes are made in re-
          marketplace, these outdated techniques waste valuable time,   al-time. Departments can share and access the same information,
          perpetuate easily avoided errors, and leave you at an informa-  thus avoiding redundant data/versions and increasing opera-
          tion disadvantage.                                     tional efficiency. Clients can be given access to their data when
            To date, many large real estate investors have been forced   they need it. With mobile access, you can walk into a meeting
          to spend large sums of money to develop and implement   and access portfolio statistics, geographic analysis, and provide
          proprietary solutions that enable them to collate, standardize,   financial models ‘on the fly’. Access to all the tools you need to
          and report on data from multiple sources. Others have imple-  create value is at your fingertips—anywhere, anytime.
          mented property management software, despite the mismatch
          between the capabilities of these systems and the needs of   Automated Data Governance
          investors. Still more use unreliable spreadsheets to do this   “If data is the new oil,
          essential work. Cloud-based business intelligence software now   it needs to be refined for best use.”
          allows all real estate organizations to access the latest in data
          and reporting technology. With cutting-edge analytics and in-  With automated data verification, you can rest assured your
          sight, you can put your business at the forefront of the industry.  investment decisions and client reporting are based on trust-
                                                                 worthy data and focus on delivering value for your clients.
          See the Big Picture                                    Powerful business rules eliminate time-consuming manual
          “The greatest value of a picture is when it            work and propensity for errors. At the same time, data standards
          forces us to notice what we never                      provide consistent, comparable data across all regions and asset
                                                                 classes. You can therefore measure performance and benchmark
          expected to see.” —John Tukey                          across your whole portfolio. With the latest in data governance
          A data warehouse incorporating leading data standards can   technology, businesses can effortlessly optimize data quality
          help you effortlessly aggregate data from multiple sources. This   better than ever before.

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