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Optimize Collaboration with Security                   quickly obtain a consolidated view based on your current
        ”In conversations with more than 50 LPs,               needs. Whether it’s your upcoming lease expiries, your key
        transparency is still the top theme on                 loan ratios, or a bespoke tenancy schedule, reports built with
                                                               real estate investors and lenders in mind give you just the
        their minds.” —PERE                                    information you need. Reports are immediately available, al-
        The importance of collaboration in data-driven companies is   lowing the key-decision makers and clients to have pertinent
        invaluable; however, companies also want to ensure security. The   information at their fingertips when they most need it. These
        latest in technology allows for the transparency organizations   ad hoc capabilities lead to more answers and new insights,
        desire along with a strong permissions structure. This option   putting you ahead of the competition and increasing your
        securely and efficiently facilitates data aggregation and dissemi-  clients’ satisfaction.
        nation globally across the organization and to your clients.
                                                               Altus Group Limited is a leading provider of  independent advisory services,
        Access Actionable Data                                 software and data solutions to the global commercial real estate industry. Their
        “Measurement is the first step that leads to           businesses reflect decades of  experience, a range of  expertise, and technology-enabled
        control and eventually to improvement.”                capabilities. Headquartered in Canada, they have approximately 2,300 employees
                                                               around the world, with operations in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific.
        —H. James Harrington                                   Clients include some of  the world’s largest real estate industry participants across a
        With integrated business intelligence solutions, you can   variety of  sectors.

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