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          What Digital Transformation Really Means

          for Commercial Real Estate

          Casey Talon
          Principal Research Analyst
          Navigant Research

                avigant Research recently published a white paper, 10   of the intelligent building concept. More specifically, IoT is a
                Trends for Intelligent Buildings in 2017 and Beyond ,   framework to provide a pathway for the digital transformation
         Nhighlighting the benefits of digital infrastructure and   of buildings. Wireless devices, the data communications, and
          analytics. This kind of intelligent building design gives stakehold-  software analytics that are the foundation of an intelligent
          ers direction for cutting significant costs, attracting and retaining   building technology are increasingly positioned as IoT solutions.
          tenants, and boosting bottom lines. The real estate industry faces   There is an opportunity to leverage the cross-industry discussion
          a crossroads in which technology will differentiate the leaders   of the topic to help promote adoption in the real estate industry.
          from the competition. In particular, intelligent building tech-  Many businesses are exploring how IoT helps reshape customer
          nologies can help the real estate stakeholders redefine relation-  transactions, but it is also redefining facilities management.
          ships—facilities management and leasing can be transformed   Diving into the technology, the issue of cybersecurity is
          from a source of periodic contention to a source of trusted,   important for the real estate industry to prioritize because the
          ongoing partnership.                                   cost-effective wireless devices and communications infrastruc-
            While the intelligent building technologies market is not new,   ture that feeds intelligent building analytics to deliver new
          Navigant Research asserts that the compounding results of   business insight must be secure. The new threat of network
          evolution in technology, delivery, and demand have set a tipping   security breach via intelligent building technologies puts facilities
          point for the digital transformation of commercial buildings. Here   management in a new spotlight in the board room.
          are examples of how the three forces driving digital transforma-
          tion will affect commercial real estate (CRE).         #2 – Delivery: Explore the Path Toward Deeper Engagement
                                                                 The real estate industry can see IoT and the trend toward
          #1 – Technology: Deploy Solutions that Hedge Security Risks   the digital transformation of facilities as a threat or as an
          while Amplifying the Bottom Line                       opportunity. There are multiple layers of threat from new
          The Internet of Things (IoT) conceptualizes the integration of   competition for services to new metrics defining the value
          data, communications, and information in a way that changes   of commercial buildings, but the opportunity is bigger. The
          decision-making. IoT is a horizontal concept that can be applied   size of the commercial market and the requirements for IoT
          to many industries, and can be thought of as a new articulation   intelligent building solutions suggest that no one vendor will

          Summarizing Cybersecurity Threat Vectors and Countermeasures
           Vector       Description                              Action
           Physical     Connected devices (gateways, controllers, sensors) represent a   Isolation provides a parallel rather than joint network in the building to protect
                        potential point of entry throughoutw the IoT platform.  sensitive business data from the breach risks via operational systems.
           Organizational  Intelligent building systems are designed to support a broader set of   Authentication rules ensure users access the aspects of the solution intended.
                        stakeholders; and therefore there can be more gaps via process and   Requirements for passwords and login protocols can help minimize risk of breach
                        personnel.                               from unauthorized personnel.
           Application  BEMS, and specifically the analytics, provide the value for IoT in   Adding new applications to the building network can create unexpected security
                        buildings by delivering the actionable insight. The applications that   risks, which demonstrates the importance of including IT management in the
                        drive the business improvement are often integrated with building   intelligent building investment process. When IT is involved, it ensures the
                        systems and IoT infrastructure for critical data.  applications are monitored and tested (even on a regular testing cycle) as other
                                                                 business applications on the network.
           Processing   The servers onsite or the data center that hosts the intelligent building  The same security requirements and protocols for other business processing solutions
                        analytics is a potential source of risk.  should be investment criteria when evaluating intelligent building solution options.
                                                                                               (Source: Navigant Research)

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