Page 45 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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systems, energy systems - they all have IT’s name on them. We have   security because of the nature of our business, so this is really con-
          to have the right people with the right skills to support all of that   verging the two worlds together, because cyber risk and physical
          work, which was outside of our realm before.           risk go hand-in-hand. Just last month I hired a seasoned cyber
                                                                 expert to lead our cyber and information security practice. We’re
        RC: Tell us about the technology initiatives you are working on.  investing in a team and maturing our capabilities to be able to deal
        Prater: I think that GGP has been ahead of the curve in terms of what   with evolving cyber threats.
          we’ve done with our digital presence, providing parking availability
          and way-finding, and ‘digital search’ of a physical space. This is where   RC: What general trends to you see impacting the retail world in the
          you help the shopper find a particular item at any location in the   next few years?
          mall using our app. There’s not an easy way to search that today. Our   Prater: There’s this perception that the physical retail shopping space is the
          initiatives are focused on getting people to come to the property,   way of the past, and people are going to exclusively shop online. I think
          enhancing the customer search and the acquisition process, and   there’s a misperception, because that’s not the case at all. There is a real
          understanding their preferences so we can make their experience as   value to having a physical presence, even for e-tailers. People want to
          meaningful as possible.                                touch the product, they want to understand and experience the brand.
            Another objective is improving the analytics capacity of our internal   I think most would agree the United States is over-retailed. We
          team to improve the decision-making process. We’re standardiz-  have five times the retail space of any other country in the world in
          ing information across the enterprise so that content, documents,   terms of stores. Retail isn’t going away, but it’s changing to be more
          reporting and dashboards come together for groups we support like   about the experience. Whether they’re doing yoga classes within the
          leasing and our digital channels. Having the ability to pull previously   center or visiting a cafe, it’s all about getting you there to experience
          siloed data layers across the company is a big initiative for us. Big Data   the brand, sampling some product there, but also integrating with
          creates all this information, but I don’t think anybody has fully solved   their digital channel. In the future, technology will just be part of the
          how to get the light bulb to go off with it. You have to get through   regular way you shop. The overall experience is transforming.
          the clutter and find what’s really important.
                                                               GGP is an S&P 500 company focused exclusively on owning, managing, leasing,
        RC: Cyber security is a big topic for everyone today. How are you   and redeveloping high quality retail properties throughout the United States that
          preparing for it?                                    offer an outstanding shopping and entertainment experience. Their sustainability
        Prater: That’s a priority for us this year and every year forward at GGP.   objectives include energy efficiency, Enterprise Operational Analytics (EOA),
          What’s interesting is we’ve always had a very big focus on physical   LED lighting retrofits, conservation, recycling, and green practices.

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