Page 48 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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Digital and physical meet in the mixed-reality world with the Microsoft HoloLens and Trimble Application. Source: Microsoft and Trimble.

          their new headquarters in the Canary Wharf area of London. She   new and innovative ways to transform the work of placemaking.
          is working with the outsourced project managers who are the   Gone are the days when facility management was considered
          same technologists who build Frank Gehry’s buildings and meets   a job for low-level technicians or administrative functions. In
          with them first to learn how to use their tool for connecting all   the new placemaking paradigm, the job of using these inno-
                                               stakeholders      vative technologies to create and maintain the building during
                                               (e.g., architects,   its life-cycle is strategic for the business. It enables the creative
                                               engineers,        consulting geniuses, both employees, contractors and machines,
                                               placemakers,      to do their jobs (and increase revenue) as they interact with their
                                               contractors)      customers in an energetic, agile, collaborative, sustainable and
                                               in the project.   healthy environment—which can be accessed 24/7 for any type
                                               From there, she   of work/play/living needed to increase the economic perfor-
                                               goes up to the    mance of the company.
                                               second floor and    As the story closes, we bid Wendy goodbye as she rides away
          Personal rapid transit vehicle.      stares at a holo-  to happy hour in a personal rapid transit vehicle.
          Source: ARC personal rapid transit system concept   gram displayed
          from designer Zack Stephanchick.
                                               on a workbench              Nancy Johnson Sanquist is VP of  Global Strategic Marketing
          on ground level of the structure now in framing and discusses a   for Planon. She is an IFMA Fellow and AIA Associate and is
          problem with the Gehry Project Manager and the architectural     currently 2nd Vice Chair for the IFMA Foundation where she is
          team in New York City—who are also using the same mixed-use      one of  the founders of  both the Global Workforce Initiative
          technology.                                                      (GWI) and the Workplace Evolutionary Community. She also
            Collaborating in the same hologram, they compare installation   serves on the Board of  the IFMA Real Estate Advisory Council. She is a
          options for parts of a building system depicted in the BIM and   well-known author, including two IFMA Foundation books, Work on the Move
          are represented by a hologram. Superimposing the model on the   (2014) and Work on the Move 2 (2016).
          actual site, they realize there is no way that the building compo-
          nent could be accessed for repairs as it has been designed. They   Specializing in real estate and workplace strategy, Diane Coles
          design a better solution together after the discovery, diverting   Levine’s work is mentioned in Business Week, Fiscal Times and
          what would likely have become a costly and timely repair if they   Return on Performance magazine. She is co-editor and co-author
          hadn’t caught that design flaw as early.                         of  the “Work on the Move” book series and a guest lecturer at
            As one of a team who embraces technology, Wendy uses her       MIT Professional Education and Vienna University of
          skills, along with the others, to utilize augmented and virtual   Technology. Diane won the IFMA George Graves FM Achievement Award,
          reality, as well as their knowledge of analytics, IWMS, 3D printing,   CoreNet REmmy for “Workplace Innovation,” and CREW SPIRE award.
          scanning, drones, RFID and other technologies to create entirely   She is a member of  the IFMA Board of  Directors.

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