Page 40 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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          Proactive Cyber Defense: Innovation and


          Eric Stride
          Senior Vice President

                ata breaches increased 40% in 2016 compared to 2015.   hostage? Some companies have predicted that ransomware
                Within that increase, 62% of breaches came from small   will go away in the second half of 2017; I disagree; I think it will
         Dand medium-sized businesses that weren’t properly      evolve and target inherently less secure systems, and due to
          protected or prepared for                                                        business impact and lack of
          the breach. The attackers are                                                    backup controls, I predict
          getting more cunning in order                                                    many organizations will
          to gain access to sensitive                                                      unfortunately pay the ransoms.
          information. As the first quarter
          of 2017 draws to a close, we                                                     The Internet-of-Things (IoT),
          have already seen a rash of                                                      cyber-physical systems, and
          cybersecurity activity and data                                                  Industrial Control System
          breaches at commercial real-es-                                                  (ICS) security: these are likely
          tate and asset management                                                        to get worse before they get
          companies. A significant num-                                                    better. Many of these systems
          ber of those breaches in 2017                                                    are ‘designed to work’ and only
          were a variant of what we call                                                   afterwards is security a con-
          CEO-fraud—someone pretends                                                       sideration—if it ever is. We will
          to be a high-level executive and                                                 see more hijacking of devices:
          emails payroll/accounting asking for copies of W-2s, and in many   holding some ransom, using some for bot-nets that will in turn
          cases, the employee satisfies the request. During the first quarter   be used to launch a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
          of the calendar year, companies                                                 against others. These devices
          need to be on guard for this kind  “Newer defensive tools will continue to move   will be used to steal personal
          of fraud that exposes their em-  away from the signature-based approach         information. All of these poten-
          ployees’ personal information.  to more model-driven and behavior-driven        tially apply to smart buildings.
            Cybercrime in various forms will                                              What happens if someone ‘takes
          continue to plague companies.       approaches to identify attacks.”            over’ your HVAC system in San
          Following are some ‘hot topics’ in                                              Antonio in the summer and
          cybersecurity for companies to consider for the rest of the year   disables the A/C until you pay a ransom? Or they seize control of
          and into 2018.                                         the elevators in a New York high-rise? A recent study of over 3000
                                                                 companies across 20 countries shows that 84% have already
          Ransomware—we’ve all heard of this—encrypting your data,   experienced some sort of IoT breach.
          or holding your device hostage until you pay some amount,   Passwords and Authentication: Somewhere between one
          typically in bitcoin; CEO-fraud: imitating the CEO or another   billion and three billion accounts were compromised in 2016
          senior executive and convincing the finance/accounts payable   (depending on the source). If a user’s account credentials are
          department to transfer money somewhere, or to send employee   included in any of these breaches, then that account is effectively
          personal information; and of course, Credit Card theft and   compromised everywhere else, since many people re-use pass-
          Identify Theft. I believe that Ransomware will start to migrate   words. If a system only uses username & password for authentica-
          from your standard Windows workstations and servers to more   tion, it will only be a matter of time before a compromise occurs.
          IoT devices. What will a consumer do if someone holds their   Unfortunately, many IoT devices and building management
          smart-TV hostage or their smart thermostat? What will a business   systems (BMS) have no option for two-factor-authentication—
          do if their access control system (door swipe system) is held   leaving them ripe for attacks.

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