Page 39 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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to integrate a blockchain application because the property
        conveyance is performed peer to peer, between buyer and seller.
        velox.RE will soon begin to issue Blockchain deeds in all 50 states,   Space limitations prevent full data sharing here, but
        which property owners can immediately use to transfer their   conclusions are as follows for private blockchains: After
        property. The government is not involved in the conveyance, but   concluding that private blockchains were not appropriate, I
        rather, has the authoritative copy of the conveyance, should the   compared public blockchains, quickly narrowing the choice
        new owner choose to submit it to them.                 between Bitcoin and the two Ethereum blockchains: Because
          In contrast, in the Title Registration system, the property   Bitcoin best met the ten criterion, I recommend it for real estate
        conveyance is not performed directly between buyer and seller,   applications, especially title.
        but rather, by a government official. One solution is to have a
        (Bitcoin) multi-signature transaction, with one private key held by
        the government, and one by the property owner.

        4. Conveyance vs. registry
        The goal of a blockchain title system should be to first
        convey (transfer) the property using blockchain, with a ‘copy’
        of that transfer being the registry of ownership. This can
        be the blockchain itself or could be a regular paper record.
        Unfortunately, most pilot programs are doing it backwards, first
        transferring ownership using traditional methods, followed by
        inserting a transaction identifier into a blockchain transaction.
        This is putting the cart before the horse. It misses the greatest
        strength of blockchain, transferring a (digital) asset with a public,
        distributed network instead of a human with a stamp.     “Bitcoin has been running for eight years with no
                                                               downtime, has more processing power dedicated to

        5. Charity is an unsustainable system; use capitalism   it than the largest supercomputer in the world and
        Many are trying to create a blockchain title system that relies on   has a simple scripting language with the smallest
        sponsorship by non-profits or hoping for government funding.             attack vector.”
        The former is economically unsustainable and the latter is          —Adam Back, Co-founder and CEO of
        extremely challenging. Instead, a property transfer system that     Blockstream and inventor of Hashcash
        uses blockchain should have economic incentives that will allow
        for-profit companies to adopt it.                      Conclusion
                                                               Digitizing real estate assets with blockchain has far reaching
        6. Pick the best blockchain                            implications, some that will be realized immediately and others
        In my upcoming white paper, I spend several chapters evaluating   over several years. These include lowered dependency on third
        blockchains for real estate, based on ten objective criterion:  parties, greater liquidity, increased ownership transparency,
          1.  Real estate functionality                        decreased fraud, shorter escrow periods, and lower closing costs.
          2.  Decentralization                                 The principles and practices presented here will increase the
          3.  Stability                                        likelihood of success.
          4.  Track record and future survivability
          5.  Liquidity, market capitalization and price of cryptocurrency  Ragnar Lifthrasir is a speaker, author, entrepreneur, and early
          6.  Native currency and payment system                           pioneer in applying Bitcoin and related technologies to property
          7.  Community                                                    transactions. He founded the International Blockchain Real
          8.  Permissionless and open source                               Estate Association (IBREA) in 2013 and the blockchain real
          9.  Proof of work                                                estate platform velox.RE in 2016.
          10. Immutability

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