Page 19 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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edge of this technology, your pricing fluctuates with supply and   they ‘see’ in an automated sense, on their own. It’s just the next
        demand real-time. In parking, small efficiencies mean big reve-  logical step as we analyze data and it becomes more thoughtful
        nue. It’s a pretty interesting market that is certainly behind the   and systematic going forward. It’s an intriguing perspective.
        times, but we’re studying it very closely through 2017.  Also, what I mentioned previously about the connected
          The other side of parking is the ability to work with other   vehicles to buildings, merging those data sets. I think those are
        companies in the space. To really maximize utilization, we’re   trends in the next few years; it’ll be interesting to see how they
        actually going in and applying another application on top of   move the industry.
        the data. We’re looking at
        applications that coordinate
        potential routes to your office.   “We were a very early adopter
        Detroit’s a very heavy automo-  of connecting building systems
        tive industry city, everybody
        has a car, everybody needs           together to try to optimize
        a parking space, everybody             performance, to be more
        drives to work, so ultimately as   efficient from an operations
        developers we need to build
        more spaces for that demand.    perspective and to provide our
        But what we’re starting to       tenants a different experience
        study is, “What if we maximize            than other landlords.”
        utilization in other formats?”
        We’re working with an app
        developer that coordinates
        things like Lyft, Uber and
        public transportation with
        your car routing; so, on your
        morning commute you could
        say, “How do I want to get to
        work today, what’s my most
        efficient way? Oh look, if I take
        an Uber to the 4th street drop
        off for the M1 rail, I can get to
        work in the same amount of
        time, it will cost me less, and I won’t have to pay for a $50 parking   Another trend that I see has to do with energy generation
        space today.” We’re ultimately looking at how you can be more   and efficiency at a DC level. If you look at energy as a source,
        thoughtful in reducing your vehicle trips to the city because that   whether it’s solar or fossil fuel driven, it’s generated as DC. It’s
        eliminates congestion in the city and frees up parking spaces for   converted and distributed in AC and then converted back to DC
        our tenants who may choose to drive to work.           for operation, and in each transition you lose about 20%. If you
          We’re looking at this as a great option for our tenants and a   eliminate that inefficiency of conversion, I think you’re going to
        landlord-based differentiator. There seems to be a real buzz for   see tremendous movement on the reduction of energy usage
        cities these days and we are kind of a smart city just by virtue of   in buildings. Along with battery technology, I think there’ll be a
        having so many buildings within a small area. Detroit has a chief   lot of movement in that area. We’ve tested it in a few properties
        mobility officer now that is focused on how to maximize trips   where we have solar panels directly connected to a device that
        and driving, including autonomous vehicles. So we’re starting   goes directly to the fixture, so we’re literally utilizing energy at
        to ask questions around that. How do you connect the auton-  98% of what’s generated instead of 60%. We’re working closely
        omous vehicle to your building infrastructure? What if your car   with folks in the DC lighting world to test different DC lighting
        could do that automatically? What’s the best option from a cost   solutions.
        perspective relevant to my location? So you’re connecting your
        vehicle data with your building data. I don’t think we’ll solve that   Bedrock is a full service commercial real estate firm based in downtown Detroit
        problem in 2017, but I think for certain in the next three years,   specializing in the strategic redevelopment of  Midwestern urban cores. With
        that user experience that crosses the verticals will really start to   a portfolio of  more than 90 properties totaling over 15 million square feet,
        come to fruition, growing the whole connected concept.  Bedrock is the largest real estate partner in downtown Detroit and also has a
                                                               strong presence in Cleveland. Bedrock’s experienced real estate experts provide a
        Future Technology Trends                               full range of  services, with in-house teams for each area of  expertise, including
        Certainly, interest in building analytics—that next layer where   Leasing, Acquisition, Finance, Construction, Architecture, Historic Rehab, and
        the buildings automatically adjust based on conditions and what   Property Management.

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