Page 21 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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Engaging our team. Lastly, my IT Leadership Team and I spent a   a community from a tenant perspective. Plus, it’s more efficient
        lot of time on talent assessment and management last year and   from a business point of view, since tenants are all doing similar
        will continue this focus going forward. We found and implement-  things to manage, maintain and staff their stores. All this can
        ed a team buy-in tool called POPin, which we use extensively   be more accessible, in a community fashion, so retailers are not
        to anonymously listen to our troops and to make sure everyone   tackling these tasks alone.
        understands our direction. POPin has had a big impact on my   Tenant services. We’ve partnered with facility and telco providers
        department’s engagement and culture.                   to offer our tenants services through our extensive fiber infrastruc-
                                                                                  ture: it’s quicker, faster, cheaper and more
                                                                                  stable. No longer do we have 15 telco
                                                                                  providers in the mall each running their
                                                                                  own infrastructure through our property.
                                                                                  Telco rooms have changed over the
                                                                                  years; they’re no longer just power and
                                                                                  cabling. The rooms contain high-end
                                                                                  servers and switches that we need to
                                                                                  keep safe and performing. This is achiev-
                                                                                  able because all our building technolo-
                                                                                  gies can now run on IP devices, which
                                                                                  use a common fiber backbone that also
                                                                                  accommodates energy management
                                                                                  systems, cameras, digital displays, Wi-Fi
                                                                                  and more. We build these fiber highways
                                                                                  in our malls, and then manage and
                                                                                  sometimes lease the lanes.
        What will your focus be in 2017?                         More mobile. Like most, we will continue to push forward on
        For 2017, we’re staying with the Data Driven theme, because   mobile solutions. Mobile’s the way for us, especially with our front
        it’s just so prevalent in everything we do. We will focus on our   office teams. Times have changed: 15 years ago there were no
        continued transformation as a company that supports omni-  real tech-current real estate apps out there for a company to eas-
        channel strategies, which includes tenant relationships with not   ily say, “I want to reinvent myself. I want to be scalable.” Today, the
        only the front office but also CIO-to-CIO conversations regarding   look and feel of our industry’s apps are a big improvement. Many
        system integrations, tenant services and self-service tenant portal   of the older legacy real estate apps are dated—they’re ugly,
        concepts. I will also continue to focus matching our IT talent   heavy and expensive. The newer real estate solutions are cloud
        with our intentions and enhancing our PMO. I would love for   based, attractive, easy to use and scalable. This transformation
        us to utilize our PMO for the enterprise, not just IT projects. This   has just come into our industry over the last couple of years.
        is admittedly a lofty goal, but I think there are non-tech-related   Cyber security. Cyber security is a priority, as it is for everyone.
        projects that could use the discipline, organization, and visibility   I’ve created a dedicated resource at the VP level for our own
        of our PMO. Cyber security is also a priority. Another focus is   security strategy and efforts; they work hand in hand with our na-
        evaluating the real estate software in the market—this landscape   tional security team and risk management. Critical to our success
        has changed sizably over the last six years, with new cloud-  is awareness and training, and then validating our strategy with
        software companies focusing on our industry.           best practice and outside resources. We’re good at collaborating
                                                               and utilizing steering committees, so our security efforts and
        Additional specifics about ’17:                        direction are holistic and integrated across Macerich.
        Smart building. On the smart building front, we will continue   Talent management. I firmly believe in talent management
        to build out and enhance our infrastructure, and determine the   and culture creation. I feel personally responsible for my depart-
        appropriate data capture, collection and analytic solutions. We   ment’s engagement, growth and performance within Macerich.
        will also collaborate with our tenants to provide a better and   We’re competing with the Amazons and Apples and Googles on
        more frictionless experience for their customer and our shopper.   talent, so I have to create a culture where the team wants to stay
        So the question is, “When can I make data another utility to our   and play. We’re very thoughtful about our approach, and enjoy
        tenants?” Here’s your water. Here’s your power. Here’s your data.   the results of a talented and engaged team. Also, baked into the
          Tenant portals. Tenant portals are another 2017 initiative: We’re   fabric of our department is continuous improvement. It’s a key
        committed to enabling our tenants to have a 360° view of them-  role within our IT department—to measure, analyze and offer
        selves within our company. Our goal is to allow tenants to easily   ways to improve our business flow performance. We always say,
        log into their portal, see their AR, pay their rent, report their sales,   “It’s people, process, and then tools.” I’ve been doing this for 21
        and tell us how good we are or where we need improvement.   years in this industry. In the past tools were often the limitation
        We also want to create an Intranet within the mall that creates                          continued on page 52

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