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end-points supporting the operations of the company—we’ve
                                                                 effectively reached a tipping point.
                                                                   For 2016, we’ve been on a continued data kick. Two examples
                                                                 would be enabling the visibility and the transparency of our
          Jim Whalen                                             leasing data and activity using the VTS platform and the ratio-
              im Whalen serves as SVP and CIO responsible for the direc-  nalization of our energy data on EnerNOC’s platform. They have
              tion and implementation of technology and applications at   both been powerful enablers in elevating our game focused on
          JBoston Properties, a fully integrated real estate investment   important data flows for our business. We’re in phases two and
          trust and one of the largest owners and developers of Class-A   even three in terms of realizing economies of scale with a focus
          office properties in the United States. Prior to joining the compa-  now on process improvements. Once you’ve established a data

                                                                              “With increasing connectivity
                                                                              via IP, we see our network as
                                                                              a fundamental enabler of our
                                                                              business. We support more
                                                                              end-points for our facility
                                                                              systems than we do end-points
                                                                              supporting the operations of
                                                                              the company—we’ve effectively
                                                                              reached a tipping point.”

                                                                             platform with elevated accuracy the logical pivot
                                                                             is to then leverage it, like the automatic feed to
                                                                             ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, or the account-
                                                                             ing accrual process that everyone goes through
                                                                             at the end of the quarter, you reap all these
                                                                             benefits from the investments made there. We’ve
                                                                             also got a significant Oracle Human Capital
                                                                             Management (HCM) rollout. It’s about self-ser-
                                                                             vice and workflow, but it’s also a data play about
          ny in March 1998, he served as VP, IS for Beacon Properties. Over   meaningful analytics around our work force to support decision
          a 30+ year IT career, Jim has supported real estate operations   making. All these investments have a data theme facilitated
          ranging from residential, construction, public housing, commer-  by a SaaS cloud platform, which is then facilitated by mobile
          cial office and retail.                                enablement.
                                                                   We consider ourselves a mid-size IT shop, so the alignment
          What technology and business initiatives were most import-  to SaaS providers is logical. If you look at what we’re doing with
          ant in 2016?                                           EnerNOC, it’s like an ERP equivalent for energy data. And that
          To achieve our mission here at Boston Properties, my team cate-  is a conscientious alignment to support our stated corporate
          gorizes our services and projects into three buckets. A highly-in-  sustainability goals and GRESB, and personally, I think, a trend.
          tegrated stack of corporate applications support the operations   Taking this core integrated technology stack that we have, and
          of the company; the running of the day-to-day business of   with additional investments, effectively extending it. So, whether
          interacting with our customers and maintaining our data and   it be VTS, whether it be EnerNOC, whether it be the Oracle HCM
          process integrity as a public company. Our second grouping is   initiative, it’s about rationalizing data and pivoting to processes to
          property amenities, which includes DAS and Wi-Fi enablement,   make us a more efficient and effective company.
          the deployment of technology in collaborative common spac-  We’re also on a continuous journey around security; contin-
          es—which are an increasing component at many properties—  uous because it is never ending in terms of staying up on it,
          and lobby operations. We’ve been doing a lot of work in that   strengthening components, and being sure we have a solid
          space which ultimately focuses on the occupant experience; for   governance program in place. We continue to segment our facil-
          example, we perform over a million visitor check-ins at our lobby   ity systems, putting them in the right buckets, and then putting
          desks, so optimizing that customer experience is important. The   controls in place for remote connectivity and access. We redid all
          third area is our facility systems. With increasing connectivity via   of our remote contractor standards coupled with an upgraded
          IP, we see our network as a fundamental enabler of our business.   multi-factor authentication platform. We put in a new incident
          We support more end-points for our facility systems than we do   response plan last year. In all three of those areas—corporate

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