Page 23 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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back and forth between the source programs and user interfaces. impacting tenant satisfaction and productivity. The ability to track
Some have single sign on, some don’t. Some are very intuitive as and sensor, monitor, and perform analytics on these key areas is
far as navigation, however, some are not. very exciting.
This dashboard will provide only the most critical information The second trend is making that data easily accessible and
from the CMMS, as well as trending data and graphical consumable. The use of big data, analytics, and visualization is
“GSA is a firm believer in the Building
Internet of Things (BIoT) and have
continued to build on a BIoT pilot we
started years ago, at our headquarters
building at 1800 F in D.C. We try to blend
operational technologies (OT) with IT
and have developed some innovative
experiences with conference room
scheduling, personal connectivity,
dynamic work assignments and daylight
harvesting with automatic shading.”
GSA Central Office Building: 1800 F Street
representation from the smart meters. In addition, the FM
Dashboard will provide access to updated visualization of actual most effective when made actionable. As exemplified through
energy bills for each building and will also have a quadrant to our 2017 FM Dashboard initiative, GSA wants to drive to a da-
link to the GSA Electronic Project Management (ePM) platform ta-driven decision-making model. Big data has been successful,
used by our project managers in design and construction. This it’s here to stay, and we recognize you have to make it actionable
will give property or facility managers easy access to both energy by consolidating and prioritizing the data to support our clients’
and ePM information specifically relevant to their building. mission, cost effectiveness and our internal KPIs.
A second initiative for this year is again related to the GSALink Obviously when you’re talking about the future, cyber security
platform. We plan to leverage the analytics to provide man- continues to be a large and continually emerging issue for the
agement and verification for our Energy Savings Performance whole property management/real estate industry. GSA IT has
Contract (ESPC) projects as well as provide automated retro been very innovative, placing an IT/FM partner group within the
commissioning on our buildings. GSA’s ability to validate the organization that melds and works directly with our buildings
savings associated with an ESPC contract is vital to the success operations group. I think one of the preeminent success stories
of the project and could provide a new template approach for all for us is this true partnership between IT and FM. The fact that
ESPC customers to follow. GSA IT leadership recognized the need to have a division focused
primarily on interactions with the operations group was visionary
Future Technology Trends five years ago, and now it’s just standard procedure for us.
First, GSA is a firm believer in the Building Internet of Things We engage with many private sector companies and encourage
(BIoT) and we have continued to build on a BIoT pilot we started the development of the operations/IT partnership. Fundamentally,
years ago, at our headquarters building at 1800 F in D.C. We try to IT and operations people think differently, therefore working coop-
blend operational technologies (OT) with IT and have developed eratively is critically important to ensure implementation of cutting
some innovative experiences with conference room scheduling, edge technology in a cyber secure manner.
personal connectivity, dynamic work assignments and daylight
harvesting with automatic shading. For the BIoT, I think we clearly GSA provides workplaces by constructing, managing, and preserving government
see that more and more building equipment is IP addressable. buildings and by leasing and managing commercial real estate. GSA’s acquisition
We need to be able to embrace that connectivity to facilitate solutions offer private sector professional services, equipment, supplies, and IT to
smart building operations. government organizations and the military. GSA provides national leadership,
In addition, we recognize that industry advancements and in- policy direction, and standards in the areas of architecture, engineering, urban
creased competition has reduced the cost of sensoring buildings, development, sustainable design, fine arts, historic preservation, construction services,
particularly in the area of Indoor Environmental Quality (CO2, and project management. GSA plays a unique leadership role in improving cyber
humidity, temperature, VOCs, fresh air, etc.). These are key factors security throughout the Federal enterprise.
Realcomm 21