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          AI Meets CRE: The Power of Deep Learning

          Emilio Matthaei

               ven though deep learning, a branch of artificial intelli-  detection and drug discovery research. Nevertheless, with the
               gence, is still in the early stages of its evolution, it is a pow-  rise of deep learning technologies, complex algorithms are
         E erful technology expected to disrupt global industries. The   applied to more and more areas. There are in fact various ways
          market for deep learning technology is estimated to exceed over   in which this technology creates efficiency in the commercial &
          $100 billion in annual revenue over the next several years and   corporate real estate industry.
          the interest in this technology, which
          is based on the idea of programming                                       Increased transparency and higher
          networks to imitate functions of neu-                                     data quality
          rons in the human brain, is drastically                                   Global corporations with offices
          increasing.                                                               around the world must keep
            Amongst many use cases, deep                                            track of thousands of real estate
          learning technology can be used to                                        documents containing legally
          train computational models to identify                                    binding information—across various
          and understand text. Once fed with                                        jurisdictions and in multiple languages.
          information, the model begins to                                          When negotiating lease terms,
          interpret text and extract verbiage in                                    companies face the challenge of being
          the form of text, numerical values and                                    dependent solely on local resources.
          other complex fields. The more data a                                     Once finalized, only a speaker of the
          system is fed with and the more train-                                    native language can understand the
          ing the model is given, the more                                                  negotiated terms. Deep
          it learns. The learning happens   “With deep learning technologies, tedious       learning technology can
          through repeated exposure to   data aggregation exercises can be accelerated      be trained to ‘understand’
          the item the model is supposed   significantly. The technology allows for         any language, enabling it
          to learn about. Rather than                                                       to extract key information
          writing rules for how a system   automated information extraction from the        from all global contracts
          should learn to recognize words,  original document and thereby delivers more     and convert it into a target
          e.g. how a letter looks and which   accurate and structured data. Reporting and   language, regardless of the
          letters a word is composed of,   forecasting suddenly become significantly easier   original language type. Thus,
          the system learns by recog-                                                       the application of intelligent
          nition. It gets exposed to one           and more accurate.”                      technologies allows you to
          term over and over again until it                                                 understand the contents
          learns to make sense out of that term. Researchers have com-  of your international portfolio in any language. By overcoming
          pared this learning process to that of a child learning to commu-  these language barriers, a global portfolio overview and a new
          nicate for the first time.                             level of transparency can be achieved.
                                                                   Another challenge global corporations are facing is the difficul-
          Why is deep learning important for the real estate industry?  ty of reporting and forecasting. In large enterprises, accurate
          Deep learning will—and has already begun to—change     reports are crucial, yet, they are time consuming to compile as
          industries. For most people, the industries that come to mind   they are based on unstructured data, hidden amongst thou-
          first when thinking about deep learning are probably finance   sands of documents. With deep learning technologies, tedious
          and health care. We have indeed seen a number of ways   data aggregation exercises can be accelerated significantly. The
          in which it is applied in those sectors, for example in fraud   technology allows for automated information extraction from

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