Page 22 - Realcomm13-Final-LR
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Chip Pierpont                                          and includes a nationwide content management platform that
               hip Pierpont                                      works with local, interactive touch screens. To join, our clients
               is Director                                       simply purchase a digital media player and a monitor and we
          Cof Facility                                           handle the rest, including the content management functional-
          Technologies at the                                    ity, cyber security and User Acceptance Testing (UAT), resulting
          U.S. General Services                                  in plug and play at the local level. One of the key aspects of this
          Administration                                         digital signage solution is the offering of near real-time electricity
          (GSA), where he                                        usage information coming from our smart meters system. The
          oversees delivery of                                   interactive energy dashboard allows the user to see, for exam-
          technology imple-                                      ple, what the actual BTU count is on a running ticker. They can
          mentation for all                                      view what their energy use was today versus yesterday, today
          space requirements                                     versus last week, today versus the same day last year, and it stays
          of federal agencies.                                   current. It also plays off that data with quiz questions that gets
          The landlord for the                                   people interacting with the screens by showing them energy
          civilian federal gov-                                  equivalencies, such as how many electric cars could be powered
          ernment, GSA/PBS                                       with the actual savings from their building.
          owns or leases 8,700                                     Digital signage is not new; but for us, having a platform that’s
          assets, maintains an                                   scalable across 1,500 plus buildings, and having near-real-time
          inventory of more                                      energy information being fed into the building is. The tenant
          than 370 million square feet of workspace for 1.1 million federal   now has accurate, near real-time knowledge of how the activity
          employees, and preserves more than 481 historic properties.   within their workspace is affecting the energy use. We’re proud
          Chip and his team provide policy direction to modernize existing   of that, because the scope of the ongoing project is huge,
          structures and to design new construction to the highest stan-  amounting to approximately 1,800 owned buildings. It’s greater
          dards of smart building technology and automation.     than 9,000 when you include leased buildings. Overall, we have
                                                                 more than 1,400 property managers and we serve over a million
          What technology and business initiatives were most     federal tenants.
          important in 2016?                                       Another initiative involves GSALink, our energy fault detec-
          One highlight of 2016 was the rollout of our national   tion and diagnostics (FDD) analytics platform built back in 2012.
          Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS).     We currently have 81 buildings connected to that platform
          While CMMS may not be cutting-edge IT building technology   totaling about 45 million square feet. We took the opportunity
          per se, the sheer magnitude of our portfolio made it unique.   in 2016 to do more with regard to developing rules and deeper
          We incorporated a single Maximo CMMS system across 1,520   analytics around the existing platform. It was important to us,
          buildings; it was cloud based and was the first use of Amazon   before expanding the number of buildings, to go back and
          Web Services (AWS) by a federal government entity. It was also   identify opportunities to further leverage the platform using
          the first AWS application that was approved for federal cyber   the analytics.
          security. That’s something we’re proud of, because even with   We utilized a third-party study by Carnegie-Mellon University
          this size portfolio and dealing with very stringent cyber security   to validate our energy savings, looking at a 12-year span of
          requirements, we were able to implement a web-based solution.  energy bills; including information that came through our smart
            In conjunction with this effort, we implemented national stan-  meters platform. One of the most interesting insights from the
          dards associated with work flows, naming conventions for equip-  study showed that when GSALink analytics was combined with
          ment and preventative maintenance allowing us to effectively   our ion smart-meter program (our advanced-meter program),
          partner with our design and construction partners. As they were   that tandem produced an average of 24% reduction in energy.
          doing work in existing buildings (or building new buildings), we   We were extremely pleased to see such positive results.
          were able to integrate new or renovated equipment into our
          CMMS system fairly flawlessly. In addition, we fine-tuned utiliza-  What will the focus be in 2017?
          tion of the system by implementing some new tenant-focused   One of our primary initiatives is the Facility Manager (FM)
          functions. Those included being able to break down the data   dashboard. It will sit on all 1,400 plus facility managers’ desktops,
          and information by specific tenant agencies—or even sub-users   pull data from multiple disparate systems, and present that on
          within those agencies—which allowed us granularity of data to   a single dashboard in a usable and consumable fashion. Most
          discuss specific service related performance metrics.  facility-related software solutions provide a tremendous amount
            In 2016 we also deployed a new nationwide digital signage   of data and information in their own right. But with all this data
          platform. The pilot stage, totaling 50 buildings is 90% complete   coming from different sources, facility managers have to jump

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