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Pennzoil Place Sets New Benchmarks for
Smart Buildings and the Internet of Things
Ask 100 different people for their definition of a smart, Mr. Vasquez decided to install a core Cisco IP network to connect
connected, energy efficient, high-performance, sustain- all current and future building systems, communications systems,
able, intelligent building and you will get 100 different and physical security systems so building engineers could monitor
answers. People look at buildings from various perspectives, and manage the BMS in near real-time via a web browser.
often with different agendas and issues. Energy management, In the first year alone (2011 to 2012), Transwestern reduced
energy usage by 21%,
security, maintenance, occupant and then an addition-
al 11% the first eight
experience (WIFI months of 2013. They
then added physical
and DAS), parking, security and access
control, which addi-
water…the list goes tionally saved them
more than $50,000
on and on. annually in outside
security services fees.
If you attempt The bottom line
was that these
to optimize each operational savings
allowed Transwestern
HBoewrgaredr of these business
processes inde- to offer tenants much more attractive lease rates in a glass-walled
Managing Partner pendently, you may building in a VERY competitive market.
Realcomm in fact improve the
efficiency within the The use of Cisco wireless IP phones and tablets for mainte-
nance staff gives the building engineers real-time access to main-
unique process, but in the end you will tenance requests and allows them to correct many problems
immediately. The impact on tenant satisfaction and retention has
have 8-10 very well organized, dis- been measurable.
connected systems—and therein lies Mr. Vasquez concludes, “Property management is a service-ori-
ented business. Happy tenants are more likely to renew their
the challenge. Will they all require their own network? How will leases with us and pay their rent and operating charges on time.
Embracing the Internet of Everything concept has increased
security be addressed? What would happen if you tried to get tenant satisfaction while also lowering operating costs.”
these systems to communicate? Without careful planning that In addition to creating a building that automated every aspect
of the smart, connected concept, this team figured out a way to
starts with comprehensive, strategic network design, you could not only reduce expenses, but also add revenue. By designing a
network that could also deliver bandwidth to tenants, the project
very quickly find yourself in a corner. is now generating income for the property owners. Wholesale
bandwidth with a capacity to offer faster and more reliable ser-
Quietly, one engineer from Transwestern, and his team, de- vice soon had tenants signing up. The addition of revenue to the
smart building story has just taken this idea to the next level.
cided to take the idea of a smart building to the next level. One
Pennzoil Place will be featured in the Smart Building Best
network, converged disparate systems, integrated, interoperable Practice Showcase to be held in conjunction with Realcomm
and IBcon on June 10th, 2015 at the Marriott Rivercenter Hotel
and able to grow as the team discovered new opportunities, in San Antonio.
including adding a revenue stream by providing tenant services.
Transwestern manages Pennzoil Place, a 1.4 million square
foot, twin 36-story, glass-walled towers in Houston, Texas. Built in
1975, it’s occupied by 37 tenants.
A couple of years ago Roger Vasquez, Director of Engineering
for Transwestern, started looking for ways to reduce energy
costs and to increase the efficiency of building management
without sacrificing tenant comfort. “To compete in the Houston
real estate market, we had to keep costs down and differentiate
ourselves by providing innovative services,” said Mr. Vasquez.
His challenge was figuring out how to connect the 95,000 sen-
sors and data points including fire alarms, wireless access points,
video surveillance cameras, temperature sensors and HVAC
equipment to the network for continuous monitoring.
After discussions with Stephen Lurie from Zones, A Cisco Partner,
50 Realcomm