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Real Estate Intelligence: How Software is
‘Eating’ the Real Estate Business

Mark Sigal
Managing Director
BrightStreet Ventures

Netscape founder (and successful VC) Marc Andreessen                   is designed with non-technical users in mind.
          once observed that software was “eating the world,”            It combines four elements: A) rich visualization experiences; B)
          that technology was moving into industries that once
 seemed immune from disruption. Gone are newspapers, record            meaningful ‘data sets’; C) push button controllability; and D) drill-
 stores, bookstores, video stores and                                  down capabilities.
 Radio Shacks.
                                                                                                     These drill-down capabilities allow the
   Change is in the air. Amazon is swal-                                                          user to traverse effortlessly from the dash-
 lowing up Main Street. Uber is transform-                                                        board view of pictures and charts—down
 ing transportation. Apple and Google are                                                         to the very documents (e.g., leases, invoic-
 heralding the age of mobile, data-driven                                                         es and communications flow) that power
 computing. Whether you are in Retail,                                                            these different data sets. The term we
 Commercial or Residential Real Estate,                                                           have for this is Dashboards to Documents.
 an essential truth surrounds you: you are
 either riding this wave…or getting swept                                                            Needless to say, for such a system to
 up by it.                                                                                        work, it needs to be able to accrue lots
                                                                                                  of data and lots of documents. This store
   This article presents a new approach to                                                        of data will grow every day, so the data
 real estate portfolio management called Real Estate Intelligence                                 needs to be warehoused.
 that embraces this new wave. Real Estate Intelligence is built on       A data warehouse layer is central to Visualization Intelligence,
 three cornerstones.                                                   and also to the two other cornerstones—Reporting Intelligence
                                                                       and Work Flow Intelligence.

   Visualization Intelligence                                          Reporting Intelligence
   Visualization Intelligence is the first cornerstone. The idea that  Reporting Intelligence is built to address an ugly truth. In the real
   drives Visualization Intelligence is the notion that you can’t      estate business, far too much of the daily world still operates in
   improve—and you can’t manage—what you don’t measure.                the realm of Excel Hell.

      In very few clicks, the CFO of a shopping center developer         By Excel Hell, I mean that for real estate portfolio owners
   can determine if                                                    and operators, too much information is spread across too
   the occupancy                                                       many custom spreadsheets, running on too many different
   costs of a given                                                    users’ machines. Making matters worse, spreadsheets are
   merchant are                                                        continuously being updated, often by software ‘macros’ that
   materially above                                                    glue together multiple worksheets in a workbook. The same
   comparable                                                          workbook is then shared across all of accounting, making the
   merchants, and as                                                   notion of a ‘version’, and dealing with ‘version control’ a peren-
   a result, deter-                                                    nial human resource drain.
   mine if there is a
   risk of default. Or, quickly identify property expense categories     If this sounds a little bit like the automobile factory assembly
   that are growing materially faster than the benchmarks for other    line, that’s because it is. Too many hands have to touch the same
   categories.                                                         numbers over and over, wasting time and attention, and giving
                                                                       rise to all sorts of errors.
      Simple idea, but achieving this level of relevant analysis is
   much harder than it sounds because in most real estate organi-        Reporting Intelligence flips this model on its head. It envisions
   zations, the consumers of information are non-technical. They’re    a world where core data is properly warehoused, solving the
   not data scientists; they’re property managers, accountants,        versioning and data integrity issue. Because of this integration,
   leasing agents and company executives. Thus, the new approach       creating new report formats is more template-ized, making
                                                                       changes and updates less surgical in nature.
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