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Top 5 Tips to Improve Visibility and
Production Around Facility Operations

Yaniv Vardi                                                                to system-level benchmarking. That is, the more data we
CEO                                                                        gather about each building’s lighting systems, for example,
Panoramic Power                                                            the better we can compare the lighting systems in all of the
                                                                           buildings. Historical energy data and benchmarking can also
A facility’s ecosystem is comprised of many devices, mul-                  be helpful in predicting future energy consumption and
          tiple systems, and often several buildings. Though each          allows a company to:
          aspect of the complex ecosystem is certainly affected          	 	 •	 Identify inefficiencies
by energy, it is only the visibility into the entire ecosystem and       	 	 •	 Track efforts to save energy and money per site and per 	
its energy that enables Facility Managers to identify potential            		device
operational opportunities, discover issues and anomalies before          	 	 •	 Position your property to attain maximum value from 	
they happen, and identify recommended improvements. This                   		 buyers, tenants and lenders
fundamental ability to uncover and understand how energy use
affects building and system performance helps improve opera-             3.	Calculate production costs per equipment
tion processes and addresses financial constraints.                      	 Production costs can be calculated on many bases: per unit,

   To improve facility operations through energy consumption               per material supplier, per unit of time, etc. To a Facilities
visibility, follow these five expert tips:                                 Manager, however, cost per unit is less significant than the
                                                                           calculation of production costs per equipment or produc-
   1.	Monitor devices to understand systems and continuously               tion line. Often, calculations based on data in this realm
      improve operations                                                   uncover certain equipment or lines that are less profitable
                                                                           than others.
   	 Continuously improving operations certainly comes from              		 With the visibility to uncover the cost per equipment,
      full-ecosystem visibility; but visibility into the entire ecosys-    decisions can be made about retrofitting, maintenance, or
      tem can only be attained by monitoring and analyzing each            equipment replacement.
      of its components.                                                 		 Without such data-backed analysis, recommendations
                                                                           can only be made based on assumptions. Management is
   	 	 By utilizing the latest in wireless sensor technology, Facility     much more likely to respond affirmatively to recommenda-
      Managers can easily install wireless CTs to monitor and track        tions based on the statistics and facts gathered by intelligent
      energy consumption per device. When coupled with an an-              systems.
      alytics platform, this device-level energy data is aggregated
      and analyzed to create actionable insights about potential         4.	Optimize maintenance to ensure equipment optimization
      improvements.                                                        and effectiveness

   		 For example, by installing sensors on HVAC devices,                	 Perhaps one of the most significant operational changes for
      Facility Managers have been alerted to unnecessary af-               Facilities Managers who install device-level energy manage-
      ter-hours consumption. Easily resolved, this discovery leads         ment solutions is the ability to save costs through preventa-
      to immediate reduction in consumption. Furthermore, the              tive maintenance.
      device-level data can lead to uncovering information that
      divulges that cooling and heating systems are working              	 Preventing problems before they occur is an essential
      concurrently. Again, though easily rectified, without the            element of system level monitoring. Facility Managers are
      equipment-level monitoring, such a drain on resources can            able to anticipate future breakdowns thanks to the real-time
      easily go unnoticed.                                                 energy data that will alert them to an anomaly such as over
                                                                           consumption, idling, or under consumption. Systems will
   		 By live tracking and remote monitoring of our devices                wear out over time and issues occur at different times on
      at the most granular level, we gather the data necessary to          each device. Real-time energy data at the device level will
      understand our how systems are performing in real-time,              help:
      and how they interact with each other. This understanding
      leads to the ability to plan and act to continuously improve       •	 Increase equipment life and eliminate failures
      operations based on actual data.

   2.	Benchmark systems to compare processes and enhance
      facility operations

   	 Over time, device-level data-gathering and analyses lead

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