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vendor a ‘toll’ to get the system data that is yours to begin With this functionality you can turn to a number of offshoots
with! All major building automation and building controls tactics that will yield powerful, measurable results in the areas of:
companies offer both proprietary and open systems; open at
the start means more control, easier access to your data and 1. Risk mitigation
less cost down the line. 2. Higher asset utilization
3) Data Awareness: Start learning about the low-cost high-val- 3. Lower capital and operational cost structure
ue area of analytics that will provide you with better data 4. Sustainability and productivity
driven decision-making. If data analytics are driving all major 5. Scalability and flexibility
professional sports leagues such as the NBA, NFL and MLB—
not to mention healthcare, financial services, manufacturing To review and summarize, the categorical steps for intelligent
and even farming—then it’s no wonder real estate is awak-
ening to this opportunity in a big way. buildings would in include strategy framework, tactical action
“… an intelligent building doesn’t change (such as building standards), functional performance (visibility,
what your goals are, it simply achieves those
controls, policy) and measured results.
goals faster and less expensively. “
Getting started using this approach can be spurred by a ‘boot
With these three basics in mind you are ready to proceed with a
methodology. The simplest approach is to first worry about your camp’ experience to shock the system and motivate meaningful
core systems: systems you currently have or must have to build
or operate your facilities; then later take a look at systems you action. The IBcon conference has been offering a comprehensive
don’t have but might get if the business case is there; and finally
evaluate those systems that are not core, and don’t have a hard “Intelligent Buildings Boot Camp” for several years in the pre-con-
ROI but might be part of brand support or experience. Think of
this like a bulls-eye with three rings: you want to start with the ference sessions the day prior to the full conference. This event
center and work your way out.
started with a few dozen curious registrants in the first year and
Your existing core systems
are, statistically speaking, has grown exponentially each subsequent year to hundreds of
not going to be open
(even though a few may action-oriented, real estate professionals seeking education, advice
be to varying degrees), so
in general this means you and solid next steps for their organizations.
have no visibility. Getting
visibility as a first step can What is more exciting is that there are a number of high profile
be accomplished with
some basic tools that can companies and projects that attribute their new strategies, build-
unlock proprietary
information and consolidate it into the proverbial dashboard. ing standards and management approaches
Dashboards can be a cliché, but for this purpose we will say that
they represent visibility into the performance of our core systems directly to what they learned during these
such as HVAC, lighting, elevators, metering (and possibly one or
two more such as parking or security). After visibility shows us boot camps.
the good, the bad and the ugly, we now need control of these
systems to affect change and make valuable operational The IBcon Intelligent Buildings Boot Camp
improvements, also known
as “write” capability. We read is an ideal way to get started, whether you
with visibility and we write
with control. Finally, we are involved in design, development, man-
have to add policy to
manage this newfound Rob Murchison agement or tangential real estate services. We
power of visibility and Intelligent Buildings encourage you to look into this event along
control. Visibility, control with the full conference and take action!
and policy are the
functional foundations of Tom Shircliff Tom Shircliff and Rob Murchison, Co-Founders of
“intelligent.” Intelligent Buildings Intelligent Buildings, LLC. Intelligent Buildings, LLC
is a nationally recognized smart real estate advisory
services company founded in 2004. Intelligent Buildings
provides planning and implementation of next generation
strategy for new buildings, existing portfolios and smart
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