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is there. While technology solutions are part of the answer to the Education is not an affair of “telling and being told” but an
education and training problem, it certainly can’t completely re- active process; I am a poor presenter, but a good connector of
place things like good old fashioned mentorship. I am fortunate to concepts and resources for the active process. My value is not
have been exposed to many fantastic industry mentors early in my the knowledge that I can share, but the knowledge I can connect
career.” (Brad White, P.Eng, MASc, Principal, SES Consulting, Inc.) folks to so they can self-teach themselves their way.
It turns out that Google also agrees. Many of the themes I’ve I wrote an article, Seeking Youth for the IoT Journey of our
talked about were echoed in a recent article titled, “Google Hires Industry2. It is a request for online input to help map out a pro-
People for What They Don’t Know” 1. To support these efforts, the cess for gathering thoughts, suggestions, and action of how we
main lessons told in the article are to: hire the best people you can attract young minds to our industry. Please help me in my
can find (even if you are not sure what you’ll do with them); hire crusade, “Growing our Industry Younger”.
people who cherish learning; and don’t be afraid of unconven-
tional planning processes since we also face a pretty dynamic 1 The Globe and Mail “How Google Works” book review by Harvey
industry. Schachter
I think we do a pretty decent job at this already, but it’s always agement/googles-secret-hire-people-for-what-they-dont-know-yet/
nice to have confirmation that we’re not way out in left field with article21749724/
our ideas, or at least we’re in good company. Examples like these
are good inspiration for how we can continue to push things and 2 online article: “Seeking Youth for the IOT
also a reminder of why these things are important if we’re going Journey of Our Industry”
to continue to be successful.
How do we help grow our only true resource, our people? By
reaching out to youth with messages about our vibrant, vital and Ken Sinclair is the owner and publisher of
rewarding industry. Organizations need to attract talent before, an online magazine and web
they graduate; whether working on a two or four year degree, resource providing news and connection to the rapidly evolving
students need to be introduced to this field early on. Through industry that automates and implements truly intelligent,
internship programs, they can gain an understanding of the field integrated buildings. has entered its
and whether this is right for them. The knowledge shift required 15th year as an online magazine and web resource. The
for the IoT must be discussed. thousands of industry articles that have been published, which originally seemed a
little like future watch, have become the new reality shaping the industry.
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