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A Beginner’s Guide to “Intelligent Buildings”

Rob Murchison			                          Tom Shircliff
Intelligent Buildings, Inc. 		            Intelligent Buildings, Inc.

Intelligent, Smart, Converged, Connected, High Performance…            Lords of Strategy by Walter Kiechel, about the formation of the
    what’s the difference? When and how should I do it? Isn’t my
    team doing it? Who in my company cares about it? What is           strategic consulting industry. It goes like this: “Strategy is the

                                                                       ever-evolving framework by which companies understand what

“it”? Defining those terms and answering those questions can           is happening to them and how they should react.” So what is

become an obsession, and worse yet, a distraction to the core          ‘happening to us’ in real estate? IT changed the way our building

mission of the real estate professional.                               controls systems are designed, installed and managed and that

All of the aforementioned terms imply the use of technology,           creates material risks and significant opportunities. Nearly every

similar to what we think when we hear “smart phone,”“smart cars,”      monitor and control system such as HVAC, elevator, lighting, me-

  “The IBcon Boot Camp                    “intelligent transpor-       tering, parking and physical security is built to operate on (internet
provided the framework                    tation,”“intelligent
                                          street lights,”“high         connected) computers and networks. This happened whether we

                                                                       liked it or not. The risks are that these current-generation systems

and catalyst for a sea performance net-                                require new skill sets to operate most effectively, which often

 change in our strategic                  works,”“connected            means slow repair or response to service issues, more expensive
approach to technology                    communities” et al.
that we are infusing into                 For this article, let’s      operations & maintenance, and—most concerning—exposure to
                                          settle on “intelli-
                                                                       hacking. However, opportunities also abound. Now, more easily

                                                                       than ever, we are able to manage multiple systems and multiple

our developments, property                gent buildings” for          buildings with interoperability, remote management, informational
      management, internal                our moniker and
         training and vendor              acknowledge that             or operational dashboards and data analytics.
                                          technology is in fact
                                                                       But before we take over the world with all of those new oppor-

                                                                       tunities, we owe our organizations the duty of the Hippocratic

         requirements.”                   the driver of the            Oath: “First, do no harm.” Let’s see how to practice that in three
      —Lachlan MacQuarrie                                              key areas:
VP Real Estate Management                   To state the obvi-
                                          ous, technology has                                     1) Cyber Security: You have
    Oxford Properties Group               been a part of the
                                                                                                  multiple computers connect-

business world for decades, including such items as computers,                     Fdhoairrnmsot  ed to your building systems
                                                                                                  (and to the Internet) and in
networks, databases, dashboards; and more recently cloud, big                                     nearly all cases there is no
                                                                                                  policy or approach to manag-
data and analytics. In nearly all cases these tech tools are used                                 ing the cyber risks. Complete
                                                                                                  an inventory of systems,
to accomplish the core missions of the organization faster and

cheaper with lower risk. So, what if it were that simple for real

estate? Intelligent Buildings are those that leverage information                                 connections and vendors and

technology (IT) to lower the costs of and speed the attainment of                                 start sketching out ways to

existing business goals. The key point is that an intelligent build-                              bring about a more secure

ing doesn’t change what your goals are, it simply achieves those       environment. Get help if needed, but taking an inventory as

goals faster and less expensively. The true question becomes less      a first step can be accomplished very cost effectively and is a

about what “it” is but rather, simply asking how IT and technology     must to accurately gauge your exposure.

in general can help with the core mission and goals. This calls for    2) Proprietary Systems: Institute a high-level set of written

a strategy. Not a three ring binder that takes a year to develop;      buildings standards that stops your organization from

but rather a few key principles that can provide a catalyst and        buying proprietary (closed) systems that drive up long term

start turning the battleship.                                          maintenance costs due to dependence on a single vendor.

One of our favorite definitions of strategy comes from The             These closed systems often require you to pay that single

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