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integrated directly into the Atheer platform. That is over one         models at the proposed building site, maintenance personnel
million applications!                                                  can see visual alerts from building sensors, and repair person-
                                                                       nel can view step-by-step
  That means through “Maximo Anywhere,” a solution could be            instructions and consult a
developed that would extend Android mobile integration with            remote expert for the task
Maximo Work Management, and leverage Atheer’s AiR™ Smart               at hand. A unique feature
Glasses as the end-user experience. Furthermore, with DGLux            of the Atheer AiR™Smart
Mobile available as a native app for Android, users could con-         Glasses is a natural ges-
sume any dashboard created within DGLux, any place, any time,          ture-based interaction. Now
such as SkySpark through their Atheer AiR™Smart Glasses.               personnel are able to keep
                                                                       their hands free to perform work efficiently and safely.”
  Imagine if you will, an integrated enterprise platform solution
that consists of Tririga, Maximo, SkySpark, and DGLux. Now factor        Although the potential impact of wearables on the commer-
in the capabilities of Atheer’s AiR Platform:                          cial real estate sector could be significant, even transformative,
                                                                       there are some interesting observations to take into consider-
  •	 Hands free, requiring only simple gestures to interact with       ation. The CEO of Weber Sensors, John Pitcher (a long time build-
     system capabilities—technicians do not need to use a tablet       ings industry expert), reminded me that “…innovation has always
                                                                       been slow in our industry. Educating this sector is exhausting,
  •	 Much larger projection view provided by the glasses than a        overwhelming at times. Coupled with a lack of urgency and
     tablet                                                            relevance to business profitability, something needs to happen at
                                                                       the executive level to drive wearables adoption in the enterprise.
  •	 2D plans/blueprints/schematics can be displayed in 3D             Otherwise, I fear it may take a while to see IoT enabled devices
  •	 The device can overlay application images                         having an impact on our industry.”
  •	 “Visual Ergonomics”—the glasses do not cause eye fatigue
  •	 Connected systems: Building automation, CMMS, FDD,                  This is due in part to the obvious economic implications for
                                                                       early adopters. In some cases, the choice to consume innovation
     etc. can be integrated directly to Atheer’s Smart Glasses,        has cost people their jobs. The fear associated with technology
     enabling notification display as a technician is walking a        adoption has a huge influence on those signing the agreement.
     building                                                          Bottom-line: “What’s in it for the people driving the decision?”
  •	 Built in microphone, speakers, and video capabilities enable      asked Pitcher.
     “Point of View Sharing”
                                                                         At last year’s Realcomm event, keynote speaker Geoffrey
  Alternatively, let’s say your organization was using Switch          Moore walked us through this very process. Warning us of the
Automation’s cloud-based Building Automation Services and              consequences of early adoption, but emphasizing the benefits
Energy Management & Environmental Monitoring solutions                 for those who persevere.
under one umbrella offering. Switch Automation is built on
Microsoft’s Azure development platform. That fact alone                  Having spent the better part of my career in the enterprise
could possibly be a problem, as integration of Atheer’s Smart          software industry, I would put the technology adoption curve
Glasses would have to be Android compliant. However, Switch            in the buildings sector about five years behind the greater
Automation’s user interface is built on HTML5, which allows for        enterprise. For whatever reason, I’m sure it is everything from
cross platform compatibility. In other words, you could utilize        culture to financial motivation. In spite of all the constraints
Atheer’s Smart Glasses with complete functionality even in this        discussed, the wearables ship has set sail. Where will you be on
disparate systems scenario.                                            the adoption curve?

  The ability to have access to all the necessary systems informa-     Chip Pieper has over 20 years experience in the enterprise
tion to remediate facility issues correctly (the first time) would be  software and building efficiency industries. Having a wide
extraordinary. However, directly conferencing in Subject Matter        range of professional experiences from his years with
Expertise onsite with the technician to extend problem-solving         Microsoft, to co-founding Scientific Conservation (SCIenergy),
efforts through a 3D virtual reality connected device? That’s crazy!   he remains active as a consultant focusing on the convergence of
                                                                       both sectors. (
  “Smart glasses are poised to bring a profound change to the
world of building efficiency as we know it today,” says, Ketan
Joshi, VP of Business Development at Atheer Labs. “Wearing
Atheer Smart Glasses, architects can visualize plans and 3D

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