Page 24 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 24


The Use of Drones in Commercial
& Corporate Real Estate Operations

T he skies over America are about to get a lot more crowded.                      and states that “Safety will be our top priority, and our vehicles will be
             Drones, known by professionals in the industry as Small              built with multiple redundancies and designed to commercial aviation
             Unmanned Air Vehicles (SUAVs), are likely to start becoming          standards.”2
   much more commonplace in everyday life now that the National
   Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has ruled in favor of their use             Delivering Drugstore Items – San Francisco
   for commercial purposes. The ruling makes it blue skies for drone              A 24-hour delivery service known as QuiQui is launching its business in
   entrepreneurs!                                                                 San Francisco’s Mission District, delivering drugstore products via drone.
                                                                                  The service will cost just $1 in addition to the price of the items and
       Early adoption of Drone technology occurred first in the military,         the company is currently inviting participants to join as beta testers. A
   where pilotless planes were used to deliver weaponry and surveillance          unique delivery system, as the drone hovers 20 feet in the air outside,
   capabilities. During the last 6-18 months, drones have progressed from         customers will swipe the machine, allowing it to drop the order. It then
   secretive military use to potential commercial application with amazing        flies away.3
   speed. These drones are no longer toys for use by hobbyists nor are they
   the multimillion-dollar war machines we see mentioned in the nightly           Fighting Pollution – China
   news, but a newer, more adaptive version.                                      China has suffered an environmental cost as a result of its massive
                                                                                  economic growth, as most major cities there are grappling with
       A quick Google search on Drones or SUAVs will result in hundreds of        incessant and worsening air pollution. As the government attempts
   thousands of links to stories about how this technology will produce           to control smog, they have enlisted technology in the form of drones
   a multi-billion dollar industry. From property marketing and package           to search for illegal polluters. Drones are now surveying the areas
   delivery to fighting pollution, drone use is on the rise, even if still under  surrounding Beijing and the neighboring provinces of Hebei and Shanxi
   the radar. Following are a few interesting examples of uses that may           for sources of air pollution. Each drone covers 70 square kilometers
   someday soon be mainstream applications.                                       (about 30 square miles) in each flight, and they have already led to over
                                                                                  200 actions against polluters. China is also experimenting with the use of
   Residential Real Estate Marketing – The New York Times                         drones to clear smog; a parachute-winged drone has been used in tests
   That buzzing sound in your for-sale property is not the chatter of excited     to spray a catalyst to dissipate smog during air pollution emergencies.4
   buyers; it is a helicopter drone whizzing over your dining table to film
   the places other real estate agents do not get to. Real estate companies
   are filming high end properties with drones offering high definition
   footage, then sending it to the company’s listings website. Contractors
   provide the customized, battery driven machines which film both flyover
   and interior footage. The drones are currently operated only over private
   suburban properties; the FAA says drones cannot be flown outdoors for
   commercial purposes.1

   Delivering Products – Amazon
   Amazon is working on a new delivery system known as Prime Air to
   deliver packages into customers’ hands in 30 minutes or less using
   unmanned aerial
   vehicles. The company
   is currently waiting
   for the necessary FAA
   rules and regulations
   to catch up to drone
   technology. Amazon
   hopes to have this
   commercial service up
   and running by 2015,

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