Page 27 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
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The increasing focus on standards has encouraged investment in the Organizations dedicated to establishing standards for corporate real
research and development of technology platforms that enable cities to estate and buildings, e.g. the Open Standards Consortium for Real Estate
better visualize and manage the volume and complexity of their data. (OSCRE) and the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)
IBM’s Intelligent Operations Center, Siemens’s City-In-A-Cockpit, and would be well served to collaborate with their counterparts dedicated
Cisco’s S+CC Services Delivery Platform are all examples of proprietary to establishing standards for cities, and vice versa. Already city standards
city data platform solutions that consolidate multi-source, multi-format organizations and real estate standards organizations have begun to
data into dashboards and other viewers. Cityzenith recently announced encroach on each other’s territory. For example, the C40 Cities Climate
the adoption of its open standards action group has established an
platform by Chicago, San Francisco, internal network dedicated to
Amsterdam, and Barcelona. The “sustainable buildings”, and BOMA
company has positioned itself as now advocates that it supports “the
a repository for standards in cities development and promulgation of
and buildings, distributed through national model energy efficiency
3D object enabled applications that building codes that meet the needs
visualize the data, to provide broad of city, state and federal code
access to multiple user profiles. adopting authorities as well as the
The broad adoption of common, commercial real estate industry.”
standards-based platforms in OSCRE has declared it will “increase
cities will transform the collection, emphasis on intelligent buildings,
visualization, analysis, and 5D SMART City™: measurement and planning features sustainability and cities of the future,”
management of city data, and making it a priority, while the City
will eventually transform the way cities are managed. It will create new Protocol Society recently created a task force to develop standards for
opportunities for participation and engagement in local civics, making “buildings” as a subcomponent of its “City Anatomy” standards model.
data freely available for citizens to use through their mobile devices. What is critical is that, as they evolve, these standards organizations
Platform technology projects have several objectives: and others develop their standards in unison as part of an on-going
• improve collaboration between city agencies by deploying joint discussion rather than in isolation, collectively drafting and
common data standards disseminating common standards to achieve mutual goals. With
• collect more and better standards-based data for greater common standards for cities and real estate in place, all stakeholders—
sustainability and efficiency cities, building owners, IT vendors, contractors, consultants, property
• encourage the creation of city- and citizen-led applications to managers, developers, etc.—will be incentivized and empowered to
enhance engagement with citizens, governments, and business develop innovative solutions that leverage common standards and
• share best practices between partner cities transform the way cities and their buildings are built, managed and
• enable better coordination, collaboration, and information used; creating efficiencies, enabling the sharing of best practices, and
exchange between cities and their buildings giving rise to unprecedented business models.
Smart Cities and Smart Buildings are close cousins; Smart Building
projects are a sub-category of Smart City projects. Cities have three Michael Jansen is a sought-after Smart City industry leader
major asset holders: government(s), private citizens, and businesses. and public speaker with numerous awards and accolades to
Between the three, they own and operate almost all fixed physical his credit. He has been featured on CNN, CNBC, and
assets. The largest asset holders by volume are corporate real estate myriads of government, business, technology, and AEC
owners, who, like their counterparts at the municipal level, are actively publications worldwide, including Smart Cities, Government
deploying Smart Building projects that conserve energy, manage assets, Technology, FutureGov Asia, Cities Today, Architectural
optimize workplace utilization, improve parking, and better disseminate Record and Business Week. In 2010, Michael assumed the
information to stakeholders. Smart City and Smart Building initiatives are helm of Cityzenith to pursue his dream of transforming life in cities all over the
therefore necessarily moving forward in tandem, and equally demand world. In November 2013, he accepted an award on behalf of Cityzenith at the
a common, standards-based approach to enable and empower the World Smart Cities Awards in Barcelona, which nominated 5D SMART
success of the other. City™ as a finalist in the Innovative Initiative category.
Realcomm 25