Page 28 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 28


                        The power of collaboration can be a great tool in

                        solving the technology issues many IT professionals

                        struggle with. Featured in this article is a candid

                        interview conducted by Chris Saah, President of

                        TecFac with Sandy Jacolow, CIO of Silverstein

                        Properties, about the technology opportunities and

                        challenges he and his team faced while developing 4

Chris Saah              World Trade Center in New York, the most advanced
                        office building of the 21st Century. While Silverstein
        President       Properties is most often associated with this project,

they are also involved in many other world class real estate developments

featuring the latest building technologies.                                        the water on these 30 foot high walls; a dramatic impact and really
                                                                                   amazing to see.
Chris Saah is President of TecFac, which provides IT support services to        		 To show you how far these technologies have come, in the past
Transwestern and its clients throughout the US. Follow Chris at www.twitter.       with a system like this you would have been married to consultants
com/csaahcio.                                                                      after installation, to operate it. With this system, marketing and IT
                                                                                   could work together creating a video for a special event, render it in
                        Ispoke with Sandy Jacolow shortly after the                the proper format in no time at all and you actually upload it using a
                            opening of 4 World Trade Center in November            flash card like you or I would use in our cameras.
                            of 2013. From his 48th floor apartment in
                        the NoMad (NOrth of MADison Park) section               Saah: Tell us about the systems you’ve deployed in the building.
                                                                                Jacolow: Tower 4 is LEED certified and very sustainable, but also has
                        of Manhattan, we reflected on the benefits of
                                                                                   some interesting aspects that create technology challenges. It is a
                        down time when one works in the 24/7 world of              column free building that’s almost a thousand feet tall. The building
                                                                                   core was designed to allow for very dense occupancy, which is great
       Sandy            technology, the high cost of living in the Northeast       for our tenants. As part of the infrastructure, we had to deploy three
     Jacolow            and the uber high cost of a night out in New York          different wireless networks in the building: a first responders system in
                        City, before turning our conversation to his work as       case of emergency, a DAS system, and Wi-Fi. Because of the thickness
                   CIO  CIO of Silverstein Properties.                             and material used in the core we had to strategically place a larger
Silverstein Properties                                                             number of access points to penetrate the core, which was constructed
                                                                                   to withstand practically anything. It’s an interesting case study in how
Saah: Tell us about the opening of WTC Tower 4. It’s a very exciting               construction affects technology. We also plan to extend Wi-Fi beyond
   time, not just for Silverstein Properties, but for New York City, and           the building to a campus style network that will blanket the World
   for that matter, the country.                                                   Trade Center area from Fulton Street to the West End. Once complete,
                                                                                   and in conjunction with the Downtown Alliance and Port Authority,
Jacolow: I was just up on the roof of the building last week and it is             Tribeca’s public Wi-Fi access could be a model for many cities.
   amazing. You can nearly touch Tower One, and have a vantage point
   you can’t get anywhere else. And of course the view of the Manhattan         Saah: For those who are not familiar with the term, DAS stands for
   skyline is absolutely spectacular.                                              Distributed Antenna System.

   Saah: So the construction is 100% completed on Tower 4?                      Jacolow: Correct. It is basically a combination of micro cells and
   Jacolow: World Trade Center Tower 4 is open. We received our                    antennas. It’s a neutral host system, so all of the major carriers can
                                                                                   come in, pay a fee, and integrate with the infrastructure system.
       temporary Certificate of Occupancy in November and had our ribbon           Whether you are in the lobby, your space on the floor, an elevator, or
       cutting in mid-November. The Port Authority and New York City are           stairwells, you will be able to make a call and use data services. The
       our first major tenants and are taking up about half of the building.       ability to call from the stairwells is not only a convenience, but as we
       They have already started interior construction and should take             have learned from history, a necessity in times of an event.
       occupancy this summer. All the construction fences are gone from
       around the site and we are open and ready for business.                  Saah: You must have great business partnerships to get that done.
   		 Architect Fumihko Maki brought together art, architecture, and real       Jacolow: We do. We’ve been working very closely with Cisco and they
       estate in an unbelievable way. For example, the black marble wall in
       the lobby (which is 30 feet high) reflects the 9/11 memorial, which the     did a great job. We’ve designed this system to support technology
       building faces. Also, at the back of each of the three major elevator       well into the future; when the gigabit barrier is broken on the device
       banks, you see these amazing video walls using LED technology, each         side, we’ll have the back end infrastructure to support it. This is not
       with distinct images of many of the elements used in the memorial.
       From outside you can see videos clips of the sky, the earth, and

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