Page 22 - RC14-EDGE-Spring Issue-1Z
P. 22


Accounting Technology:
Could it be a New Profit Center?

    Greg Fuhrman                                                                of assets under management and $1.2 billion of capital commitments.
    Yardi                                                                       ABC’s finance function consists of 10 people: a chief financial officer;

Y eah, you read it right. You’re probably thinking: How is it                                                              a director of financial reporting; a
              possible to increase profit by implementing technology? How                                                  director of tax; a corporate controller;
              does accounting fit into                                                                                     two divisional controllers and four
    the real estate lifecycle in a way that                                                                                accounting staff members with an
    enhances the underlying value of my                                                                                    estimated annual cost of $1.1 million.
    investments?                                                                                                           ABC’s objective is to increase capital
                                                                                                                           commitments over the next three
       Like most real estate firms, you                                                                                    years from $1.2 billion to $3 billion.
    probably ran a lean accounting                                                                                         Given that ABC uses QuickBooks
    department in the early days, choosing                                                                                 and spreadsheets to manage their
    to focus instead on raising capital and                                                                                business, they will need to hire
    acquiring and managing a profitable                                                                                    three divisional controllers and
    real estate portfolio. If you were using                                                                               six accounting staff members to
    off-the-shelf general ledger software                                                                                  manage this growth. What will this
    and spreadsheets to manage your                                                                                        cost ABC?
    firm, then you are keenly aware of the                                         Once these new hires are on board, the estimated annual cost to ABC
    risks and challenges, which include                                         is $705,000. A fund manager, on average, will earn annual management
    repetitive input of data into redundant                                     fees of 1.5% of committed capital. How much of the $1.8 billion in
    systems, long accounting cycles and the complexities of manually            new capital to be raised by ABC will be needed to pay for their new
    manipulating data for quarterly reporting. The accounting process was       accounting staff?
    simply a cost of doing business, and you accepted its effect on your           This should give ABC’s principals pause, knowing that they will have to
    bottom line and your rate of return.                                        raise $47 million in new capital before they break even in terms of new
                                                                                accounting staff. Closing cycles are not going to shorten and the risk
       But to handle the demands of managing a growing investment               and inefficiencies will continue and perpetuate with each new investor
    portfolio and servicing an increasing number of institutional investors,    or investment that is added. Furthermore, while most principals will not
    you have to address your accounting function. You are faced with            hesitate to add people to the accounting team, they also know that with
    three basic challenges: the cost of the necessary staff to meet the         each incremental employee added to the firm, there is the risk that the
    demands of a growing enterprise; the risk inherent in using traditional     employee will not work out or will leave before the firm has realized a
    accounting systems that were once acceptable but have grown to a            return on the employee’s training. So the real cost of ‘staffing up’ can be
    disproportionate scale; and the need to provide assurance to investors      expected to exceed the actual cost of the new positions needed.
    that you are able to adequately manage both.
                                                                                The Technology Alternative: Automate Accounting Processes
    The Cost of a New Hire                                                      With growth in mind, the forward-thinking investment managers
    According to the 2014 Salary Guide, Accounting and Finance, published       at ABC will consider an alternative to the traditional QuickBooks,
    by Robert Half, the lowest salary in the U.S. for a divisional controller,  spreadsheets and manual reporting that require an army of human
    before bonus compensation, is $82,250; while the lowest salary in the       capital. Accounting, rate of return and investor reporting are all simply
    U.S. for an accounting staff (up to one year of experience) is $47,500.     calculations of the data resulting from transactions and asset operations,
    Tack on an annual bonus, employer payroll taxes, 401(k) match, decent       right? Today’s technology has the capability to automate these
    medical and dental insurance, and that divisional controller’s annual cost  processes, top to bottom. By adopting the right technology platform
    is estimated at $115,000 while the annual cost of an accounting staff is
    about $60,000.

       Example: Let’s look at an example using a hypothetical firm. ABC Fund
    Management has four private equity real estate funds with $2 billion

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