Page 48 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 48
How significant of a role will HVAC systems now play to become in adhering to federal or local social distancing
combat airborne transmission/spread of illnesses? What requirements?
is needed to address this?
Occupancy Safeguards
How will an increased use of sensors especially those Occupants are looking for reassurance that the facility
related to indoor air quality, humidity, occupancy, viral etc. and working spaces are as safe as possible. A trusted
help in monitoring both facility and occupant hygiene? What environment is imperative.
role will infrared and other diagnostic and identification
capabilities play in order to limit the spread of infection? What are the new Essential Safety Measures (ESMs)?
What measures need to be taken to be assured that
What are the implications of restarting equipment and the building has been thoroughly cleaned/sanitized on
systems safely? What new costs are anticipated and a regular basis and what new protocols are needed,
required to follow the new reality? What does proactive/ ensuring it remains that way? How do we instill
preventative maintenance look like now? confidence?
Building Regulation/Liabilities What will be the square footage and amount of enclosed
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, there are space required per person? How will it vary by building
already a number of coronavirus-related court cases filed type (i.e., commercial office, school, assisted living,
over a range of different claims. What steps are needed to retail)? For space that is not occupied, are the new
minimize litigation for building owners? requirements for maintaining conditions different?
What new regulations, building codes and compliance How do we address a staggered occupant work
regulations will now be required? Will health screenings environment and social distancing requirements? What
be required to enter a building? If so, what new privacy measures will we have to take now or in the future to
regulations will need to be met? promote social distancing?
And, what about pandemic insurance? Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and its importance have risen to a new
Should there be a government-provided financial incentive level, especially with the continuation of the remote
program to assist in upgrading our facilities to meet the workforce. In a matter of a short time, the built
new the challenges of a pandemic? If yes, how do we take environment changed from a connected network to
advantage of it? a distanced entity. While cybersecurity will always
continue to be an issue, COVID-19 has created
If a building viral illness/wellness rating becomes manda- increased vulnerabilities and more opportunities for
tory, how will we handle it and how will we ensure we are ransomware attacks, malware, online intellectual
meeting the requirements? What happens if we do not? property theft and phishing attempts. What new
How important will tracking building occupancy measures should be taken?