Page 53 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 53

Photo Credit: Vertical River

          GEORGIA TECH’S KENDEDA BUILDING – Continued from page 31
          Radiant heating and cooling takes time to generate the   Navigating a new system and building the new insights
          desired effect; therefore, the building’s operators will have   into the operational model is a challenge for a campus
          to factor the lag time into their operations procedures   environment that has well established operational respon-
          to ensure that occupants are comfortable. Occupants   sibilities and structure. These are the types of challenges
          themselves will experience temperature set points that   that The Kendeda Building project will need to overcome
          are different that conventional buildings. For example,   to achieve Living Building Challenge certification.
          the building will have a set point of 78 degrees in the
          summer, which would normally be too high in conven-  Using the information that the building produces will
          tional buildings. However, the combined impact of the   help Georgia Tech better understand building usage and
          radiant effect of the slab, dehumidified ventilation air, and   how occupants affect a building’s energy performance.
          variable speed ceiling fans in every space will result is a   Understanding that the data for this analysis comes from
          space that is more comfortable than traditional setpoints.   many different systems, and the need for integrated sys-
                                                               tems and systematic data modeling continues to chal-
          In order to reduce the amount of solar needed to offset the   lenge the building industry. The coordination for this level
          energy budget, every system and component was evalu-  of integration begins in the design concept phase and
          ated for optimizing energy usage. The audio visual (AV)   must continue through construction.
          systems were designed with centralized AV-over-IP technol-
          ogy that utilizes more than 50% less energy than traditional   For more information:
          switched systems. When the energy usage is reduced to
          these levels, even something as small as the building’s         Donny Walker leads Newcomb Boyd’s Intelligent
          coffee cart could throw off the energy budget. The coffee       Building Systems group. He has over 20 years of
          station was outfitted with a submeter to better understand      experience in engineering and project manage-
          what this energy profile looks like throughout the day and      ment, with responsibilities in communications,
          allow for better energy modeling opportunities in the future.   security and integrated building automation
                                                               systems. His experience includes aviation, health care and
          To manage the data from all of the systems and provide   judicial facilities, advanced technology developments, data
          a single pane of glass for analysis and dashboarding,   centers, mixed-use developments and college campuses. His
          The Kendeda Building has a smart building platform that   background encompasses over 150 projects specializing in an
          normalizes all of the data utilizing Haystack data tagging.   integrated design with network-enabled systems.
          This allows the analytics engine to consume data from
          any system and compare it against the building’s energy         Shan Arora is the Director of The Kendeda
          model for understanding actual usage versus the pre-            Building for Innovative Sustainable Design. He is
          dicted model.                                                   responsible for programmatic and operational
                                                                          oversight and coordinates efforts to ensure the
          This platform builds on the existing building automation        operation and certification of the building under
          and metering systems provided for the campus. However,   LBC standards. Shan champions sustainable design in the built
          this is also a new operational system for the campus.   environment throughout the Southeast.

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