Page 44 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 44

Business Solutions



          DONNIE LAW
          Founder, CEO & Chief Software Architect

          Founder & Chief Technical Officer

          MANAGEMENT (REM) software landscapes are
          changing more rapidly than ever before and it’s hard to
          keep up with what’s coming next. Many CIOs are finally
          breathing easier now that the cloud has taken hold as a
          standard in the real estate industry after years of concern
          over security, platform reliability, integrations, disaster
          recovery, and access to data 24/7.

          Surprisingly, there are still technology laggards out there   Cloud Architecture Matters
          operating their critical enterprise resource planning   Cloud architecture matters because not all clouds are
          (ERP) and REM applications on custom-built legacy   created equal and knowing the difference is key to your
          and on-premise systems that have no future. They are   success. ERP REM software vendors have been touting the
          only now looking to go to the cloud two decades after   term “future proof” over the past year. But what does future
          Salesforce introduced the software as a service (SaaS)   proof really mean and how can you tell if a cloud vendor’s
          model back in 1999. 1                               foundation is based on a future proof platform? Here is a
                                                              list of considerations when evaluating a cloud solution:
          Other industries were early adopters of the cloud, but
          it took our industry over a decade after the launch of   1. SaaS applications architected from the ground up in
          Salesforce to finally start embracing it—mainly because   the cloud on top of a powerful development platform.
          many ERP REM software vendors were built on old     There are benefits to using a solution that was built from
          technology platforms that weren’t easily adaptable to   the ground up in the cloud versus using one that is essen-
          the cloud. The only way for these vendors to get to the   tially a warmed-over hosted solution. Truly architecting
          cloud was to rewrite/recode their applications or acquire   for the cloud means you can take advantage of features
          the technology to get there. So, if you are already on the   like true multi-tenancy, lower cost of ownership, elastic
          cloud or looking to go to the cloud you must consider   scaling and a stateless architecture.
          these questions: What happens when the next wave of
          cloud technology comes? Will I be ready? Am I already   Having access to the same platform on which your applica-
          behind? How can I tell if I’m using the right cloud   tions were built eases the deployment of custom solutions.
          architecture?                                                                          Continued on page 44

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