Page 51 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 51

Today, we’re building spatial

                                                                                tools and experiences, but
                                                                                tomorrow we’ll be building
                                                                          populated immersive worlds in

                                                                           which real estate firms will be
                                                                              selling and brokering digital

                                                                                          spaces, in droves.

          business of even a modicum level of success will at some   The Holodeck Idea
          point need a place to build in. Location discovery has   A Holodeck is a chamber or facility that’s built for Immer-
          always been a laborious process given the time it takes to   sive exploration and implementation using holographic or
          show spaces. Today’s development of emergent technol-  computer simulated visual, audio, and haptic hardware;
          ogies is going to shorten the process and in turn brighten   fidelity is what we’re after. Every commercial real estate
          the experience of purchasing commercial real estate.  agency in the near future will and should be fortified with
                                                               an immersive holodeck to provide immersive tours of
          In major metropolitan cities and small ones in between,   available properties. Holodecks are furnished with soft
          immersive development is being created for occupied and   padded walls, haptic flooring for elevator simulation, spa-
          unoccupied spaces. The commercial real estate future   tial sound infrastructure for identical acoustic resonance,
          consists of human-eye-simulated property tours with   and enclosures for safety.
          multi tele-present participation in virtual reality and digital
          space development atop undeveloped tangible indoor   A more colloquial use of spatial computing lies within
          and outdoor environments by way of Augmented Reality.   Mixed Reality. Operating within a real-time commercially
          A processed look would have sales agents shorten the   available space or facility, a user can experience a holo-
          tour process by simply placing a head mounted display   graphic or computer-simulated image rendered atop a
          device on their customer’s head, and providing access to a   physical environment. Realtors and peers will be able to
          database of any desired available space for acquisition.   digitally view and imagine how their space may operate on
                                                               a daily basis using augmented reality. Standing physically
          Technology companies in Silicon Valley, across the United   side-by-side, they can build and construct simulated opera-
          States and globally are gearing up for enterprise and con-  tions right within an empty space, using digital constructs.
          sumer use of spatial computing. The biggest industrial
          benefactors of this technology for the foreseeable future   Even with physical tours of properties we’re able to place
          are: manufacturing, medical, retail, sports, entertainment,   AR anchors in viewable spaces and give a customer
          automotive and real estate. When we think about the   a tour of a physical empty space with their branding
          beginnings of enterprise adoption, it should be a wise   already set in place, with digital furniture and even
          consideration that we ‘start off right’ in order to maximize   moving people. This helps to reduce imagination of
          our known (and even as yet undiscovered) goals and focal   what could be and gear towards the visual realm of
          points of achievements in using this technology.     possibilities.

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