Page 52 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 52

In real estate today                                  The Build
          CYBERSECURITY                                         In order to better understand immersive spaces, I came
                                                                to the conclusion that I’d have to build my own. There
          IS NOT                                                were no ideal spaces already built for me to use. This
                                                                would take time, but time is justified given the impor-
          ENOUGH.                                               tance of better understanding tangible environments for
                                                                intangible uses.

          You need complete                                     In 2016, I built a Holodeck in a 50x50 space; the chroma
                                                                keyed infinity green screen pool took us months to set
          VENDOR RISK                                           up. In this process, I learned many things. There is no
                                                                blueprint on how to best build Immersive Holodecks.
          MANAGEMENT.                                           There are examples on what could be done—but no clear
                                                                direction on best practices. You take from what’s out
                                                                there, pair this with your instinct and build the best way
                                                                you can.
           Owners and Operators face        NEW RISKS           Though I could write for some time on the materials and
                                                                process of building the Holodeck, I’ll refrain and digress
                    PUBLIC HEALTH                               to some of the areas in which we focused on: spatial
                    Contractors should have our online          sound resonance, distance cognitive perception, group
                    COVID-19 health-risk screens before         usability, ground feel, temperature control, presence and
                    any on-site visits.                         more. It was a terrific learning experience. Today, we’re
                                                                building spatial tools and experiences, but tomorrow
                    BUILDING SYSTEMS                            we’ll be building populated immersive worlds in which
                    More remote access means audits are         real estate firms will be selling and brokering digital
                    needed for passwords, users, software       spaces, in droves.
                    revisions, backup and remote access.        We’re in the process of developing more Holodecks,
                                                                though the journey is not swift, nor easy. It’s a challenge
                    CONTRACTOR PHISHING                         almost every step of the way. With the electric speed and
                    Contractor-specifi c, coronavirus phishing   growth in which spatial computing technologies are rising,
                    attacks are up substantially and require    we continually find ourselves working and building with
                    a campaign and automated training.          those in our industry and more importantly those outside
                                                                our industry.

           All-remote services, right for the times,            Though we’re explorers in immersive digital spaces, real
           all in one executive dashboard.                      world spaces are very much a symbiotic constituent
           Visit                  to the technology itself. If we’re to capture true emo-
           for information.                       SH            tional presence and hyper-fidelity, then we must have
                                                                appropriate movability to reach these levels. In our daily
                        Portfolio         Portfolio Health
                        Findings                                lives, we operate upon a sphere, grounded by gravity. In
                        Questionnaires     C
                        Templates                               XR, we can unchain the limitations that bind us and go
                                         489/549 Control Systems Reporting
                                               View Scoring Breakdown
                        Team Members
                            Portfolio Levels  Manage
                        Settings                                deeper and further for enhanced client experience.
                            Portfolio  Audit Overview  View Findings Report
                                 Zone A
                                    Buildings  Policy Compliance  Backup Status
                                 Zone B
                                    53  Compliant  Non-Compliant  Backed Up  Not Backed Up
                                 Zone C
                                       6176  7549  265  284
                                 Business School  Control Systems
                                 Athletics  549  4528 Machine Veri ed  110 Machine Veri ed  Christopher Lafayette is an Emergent
                                         Compliance Report  Backup Report
                                 Law School
                                                                           Technologist in extended reality and additional
                                    Least Compliant by Category
                                     Geography  Control Systems  Contractors
                            Buildings                                      applied sciences. He is a Silicon Valley national
                            112     Category Avg  73%  Category Avg  65%  Category Avg  60%
                            Control Systems  West  51%  Access Control  38%  Nova Elevator Services  48%
                                    South  Metering  Atlantic Control Systems  and international speaker. He’s creating
                                    Mountain  Lighting Control  Secure Tech Services
                                    Mid Atlantic  Power Management  BMA Electrical
                                    Northeast  Elevator Control  EnerTel Systems and…  holodecks, virtual applications and hardware.
                                      View All  View All  View All
                                                                Christopher is an expert in lab-to-market acceleration; he is
                                                                working with corporations and startups to bring eco-culture
                                                          62-2020  into hardware, software, and content development.
                                                       3/26/20   2:32 PM
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