Page 47 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 47

Intelligent Buildings



          MARC PETOCK                                         How do we begin to answer and have action plans in
          Chief Marketing & Communications Officer            place to address these changes?
          Lynxspring, Inc.
                                                              While there is no simple/single answer, we must lay the
          These are strange times for all industries and the built   groundwork to deal with what will be permanent changes
          environment is no exception. For building owners,   or the new normal in we how manage and operate
          integrators, contractors and solution providers, this virus   buildings. So, what are the critical conversations we
          has created new implications not only on the business   should be having?
          side, but the operational and environmental side as well.
                                                              Here are several that I have considered. While I am
                                                              sure there are additional ones that should be included
                                                              (I don’t profess to have them all), this list was born
                                                              from conversations I have had with a variety of people
                                                              including: owners, operators, integrators, analysts,
                                                              technology and solution providers, colleagues and

                                                              Business Implications
                                                              What are the short-term business implications? What are
                                                              the long-term business implications?

                                                              What will be required when an event such as this
                                                              occurs again? What measures can we put in place now
                                                              that will help reduce the crisis levels we are currently
          The topic of risk avoidance and mitigation has always
          been a complex issue. Now, add to the conversation, the   How will the open office environment change? How is it
          risk associated with a pandemic, and the ball game has   going to change the building systems controls?
          changed, and the stakes have gotten higher. Right now,
          there is probably no issue that has become more crucial,   How is the service and delivery model going to change?
          more rapidly, but is less understood. So how much risk
          are you willing to take or sustain?                 Operational & Environmental Implications
                                                              How is building usage going to change and what effects
          Buildings have made great strides over the last decade.   will it have on building operational systems?
          They operate at better performance levels and in many
          cases are energy efficient. COVID-19 has both short- and   The increase in the use of data and analytics are
          long-term effects that require changes. As we navigate   paramount. Now more than ever, new data points such
          and consider how to best prepare our facilities for a   as cleaning records, air balance, indoor air quality, and
          Ready State to Return, the important questions are:    occupancy by square foot are worth considering. How
                                                              will it be handled? How will it be analyzed? How will it be
          What are the changes that will both be needful and/or   visualized? How will it be exchanged?

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