Page 41 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 41

Business Solutions



          KEVIN SMITH

          DURING THIS CURRENT PANDEMIC, we are living
          in a reality where remote connectivity is a necessity,
          and security of our communications, as well as all the
          systems we interact with and manage, is of utmost
          importance. Certainly, cybersecurity is a top concern for
          every industry, but this is especially true in the connected
          building industry, where not only information and data
          may be stolen, but where physical devices in buildings
          can be potentially attacked and controlled by adversaries.
          Luckily, for most of us, these nightmare scenarios have   Figure 1: The Five Functions of the NIST Cybersecurity
          remained something we read about in the news, as we   Framework
          do our best to prepare for the worst.
                                                              guidance for maintaining security and managing security
          And then one day it happens to you—the cyber attack you   risk for critical infrastructure.
          were warned about. You’ve attended trade shows where
          they warned of dangerous vulnerabilities. You’ve read   The Recover function is a key element of the NIST
          articles about how to prevent attacks, and you’ve put   Cybersecurity Framework that should help building
          safeguards in place. But inevitably, one day you discover   owners understand the necessity of applying the other
          that your organization has been hacked and your Building   four functions. To put this into perspective, here is a
          Automation System (BAS) has been affected. Regardless   scenario that building owners and facility managers can
          of perpetrator and motive, the first order of business is a   appreciate.
          fast recovery. What do you do now?
                                                              In the middle of a hot summer day, you are notified
          Hopefully, none of you are in that situation as you   that your building has gone haywire—all the rooms are
          are reading this. There are white papers  and product   unbearably hot and tenants are complaining. Additionally,
          hardening guides that provide guidance on cybersecurity   the building security system is no longer working,
          best practices and cybersecurity strategies that you can   and tenant access badges are not working, leaving
          use to help prevent and thwart cyber attacks—but what   tenants locked out of key areas of the building. Finally,
          should you do if it happens?                        specialized cooling for the on-site data center has been
                                                              turned off, shutting down critical cloud services hosted
          Luckily, the National Institute of Standards and    by one of your business tenants. After a quick investi-
          Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework has you   gation, it’s determined that the network and BAS have
          covered. For those not familiar, it is a standard which   been infected with ransomware, and normal building
          offers a flexible and customizable security approach   operations have ceased and must be recovered quickly.
          for any organization, and it lends itself well to the BAS   Your phone is ringing off the hook, tenants are outraged,
          business area. Focused on five key functions (Identify,   and a local news reporter wants answers. How do you
          Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover), it provides   respond?

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