Page 39 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 39

evident in the age of Amazon, is brutal, dark, terrifying, and   has to be your North Star in this crisis. To make this
          puts their very survival at risk. For the retail landlord, this   operational, real and grounded, retail landlords need
          truth means that somewhere between 25% and 60% of its   tools to quickly know where they need to devote their
          tenants are unable to pay their rent, and need rent relief…   attention and energy to not only survive, but to leverage
          or else.                                             the learnings and best practices of
                                                               their peers.
          That’s a lot of effort to listen to and understand each
          tenant’s specific case, and get to the right conclusion,   Case in point, the tools below are well within reach and
          be they a national chain with a healthy balance sheet,   being utilized by many of the savviest landlords:
          a merchant in an already struggling retail category
          or a cash-strapped mom and pop. Aside from the       1.  Surfacing Key Lease Provisions: One of the first
          inordinate amount of time involved by a retail landlord   requirements of the crisis, where virtually every retailer
          to communicate with all its tenants, the challenge is to   was impacted, was the need to understand the dura-
          parse between who’s being fair, who’s taking advantage,   bility of the Lease itself. Were there co-tenancy provi-
          who can be saved and is worth fighting for, and for whom   sions, go dark clauses, force majeure or termination
          this is (all but) the final nail in the coffin.        rights? Quickly pinpointing and surfacing this data
                                                                 across the portfolio was and is key to making the best
          The unfortunate truth is that everyone in this narrative   decision in real time.
          has to write a check. The tenant has rent and overhead to
          cover. The landlord has payroll, mortgages, vendors and   2.  Daily Rent Collections Reporting: Most collections
          investors who need to be paid. Hard times indeed.      reporting is actually delinquency reporting, since in
                                                                 normal times, only the outliers don’t pay. But these are
          A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste                  not normal times, and far more than the outliers aren’t
          Longtime Intel CEO Andy Grove famously said that “Bad   paying timely, making this a cash crisis. As a result,
          companies are Destroyed by crisis, good companies      the spotlight is on the daily cash collected. Good,
          Survive them, and great companies are Improved by      accurate reporting makes it easy to look at daily cash
          them.” I would submit that the “great company” mindset   collected by portfolio, property or tenant.

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