Page 31 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 31

•  Building Material Impediments: Raw materials   depending on the size of the venue. A passive DAS
                 from the building itself—such as metal roofs,   based on a bi-directional amplifier (BDA) or repeater
                 Low-E windows, reinforced concrete walls, and   is less expensive than an active DAS, and typically
                 layers of interior or steel walls—can prevent   the solutions are simpler, with less gear. However,
                 cellular signals outside from penetrating into   it can be quite difficult to deliver consistent cellular
                 and throughout a building.                      reception if external network conditions are not
                                                                 ideal, or if the building is large (greater than 30,000
               •  Underground Levels: Sub-ground level floors,   square feet) or user density is high.
                 where parking garages as well as maintenance
                 and administrative offices are often housed,    An Active DAS hybrid combines the digital
                 have poor cell phone reception because cellular   distribution performance benefits of active DAS, at
                 signals cannot penetrate through rock, dirt, and   the price points of passive DAS.
                 thick cement walls.
                                                                 Active DAS hybrid: scalable, new,
               •  Population Densification: Sometimes there are   advanced technology
                 just too many people simultaneously talking     In 2019, Nextivity introduced the latest award win-
                 or streaming content on their phones or other   ning 5G Ready Cel-Fi QUATRA active DAS hybrid.
                 cellular devices, and there simply is not enough   This disruptive technology improves cellular
                 bandwidth available on the cellular network to   reception for all major carriers inside commercial
                 handle them all.                                buildings. It is a hybrid of two strong and proven
                                                                 technologies: traditional active DAS systems and
             Commercial real estate owners in urban              carrier-grade smart signal boosters.
             environments have all experienced these issues
             in one form or another, but many are not familiar   Using an active DAS hybrid, even buildings in the
             with the newest technologies available to solve the   500,000 square feet range can ensure good cellu-
             problem in their buildings—within a viable budget.   lar reception throughout for a fraction of the cost
                                                                 of active DAS solutions—and in a matter of weeks.
             All technology is not equal                         System integrators who have relied on active DAS
             There are three basic categories of Distributed     solutions in the past now realize that it is possible
             Antenna Systems (DAS) that can be used to improve   to achieve the necessary level of cellular coverage
             cellular reception in commercial buildings ranging   inside urban buildings more quickly and cost effec-
             from 30,000 to 500,000 square feet. These categories   tively than traditional systems, thus enabling them
             are analog passive DAS, active DAS, and active DAS   to help commercial real estate owners achieve their
             hybrid, and each has important differentiators when   business goals sooner than ever before.
             determining the best fit for a venue.
                                                                 “Cel-Fi QUATRA is one of our leading solutions
             While an active DAS is appropriate for very large   for small to medium size clients in venues under
             venues (i.e., those that are a million square feet   500,000 square feet, and it’s been very success-
             and larger), it is the most costly (per square foot)   ful,” says Gary Greening, VP Operations at Pacific
             approach for buildings under 500,000 square feet.   Services, a San Clemente-based wireless system
             It can also take as long as 18 months or longer to   integrator for major carriers since 1985. “We have
             install the equipment and negotiate the agreements   been able to install QUATRA for 50 to 60 percent less
             needed with each carrier to connect the active DAS   than the cost of other proposals our clients receive.”
             to their networks. There are even situations where
             the carrier simply opts not to provide a source signal   For examples on how Cel-Fi QUATRA solves indoor
             for technical or business reasons, which can create   cellular reception problems in urban buildings, down-
             significant challenges at the site.                 load these case studies:

             Both passive DAS and active DAS hybrid systems      For more information, contact or
             can be installed rapidly, sometimes in just days    visit www.cel-fi-com

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