Page 32 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 32

Photo Credit: Jonathan Hillyer
          SPOTLIGHT: Smart Campuses



          Donny Walker                                        47,000 square feet of programmable space, of which
          Newcomb & Boyd                                      nearly 37,000 square feet is enclosed and conditioned
          Shan Arora                                          The Kendeda Fund, a private family foundation, committed
          Director, Kendeda Building
          Georgia Institute of Technology                     $25 million in 2015 to fund 100 percent of the design and
                                                              construction cost of the project. An additional $5 million
                                                              was gifted for the building’s programming. The partner-
                       he Kendeda Building was designed       ship between The Kendeda Fund and Georgia Tech has
                       and constructed to be the most envi-   two overarching goals. The first is to construct a certified
                       ronmentally advanced education and     Living Building in the Southeast, a region known for its hot,
                       research building constructed in the   humid climate, and for harsh weather swings throughout
          T Southeast and is the latest example               the year. The second is to leverage The Kendeda Building
          of the Georgia Institute of Technology’s sustainability   as a change-agent capable of influencing thought leader-
          leadership and innovation. The building is expected   ship around the world. It should serve as a catalyst in the
          to achieve Living Building Challenge (LBC) 3.1 certifi-  Southeast to help reshape thinking of our built environ-
          cation—considered to be the world’s most ambitious   ment and its interaction with our immediate surroundings.
          building performance standard.
                                                              LBC certification focuses on achieving 20 performance
          After an extensive planning and design period, the   Imperatives grouped into seven “Petals” – Place; Water;
          building took less than two years to be constructed.   Energy; Health and Happiness; Materials; Equity; and
          Georgia Tech began welcoming guests in the fall     Beauty. The criteria encourage and enable building
          of 2019. The Kendeda Building has approximately     structures that give back more than they take from the

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