Page 27 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 27

For digital twins in CRE, use cases help keep the business

                                          case and extent of integration in perspective. There may be
                                              a technical ambition to model the entire building, but the
                                         business use case sets the boundaries of what systems are
                                                                    considered integral to the investment.

          static features like walls and pumps. These spaces are   to remotely control the lighting on behalf of occupants. By
          supported with dynamic services like heat and light.   aggregating and virtualizing lighting controls the service
          Collectively, the spaces describe the building as a whole   can be cost-effectively provided across a portfolio. We
          and are documented using BIM.                        need to stop thinking of the building as an aggregated
                                                               whole of services and start thinking of buildings as
          FAQS ON DIGITAL TWINS                                aggregations of individual spaces and their services; each
                                                               space needing different services delivered dynamically in
          Is BIM a digital twin?                               different ways appropriate to their use case.
          Yes. BIM allows much greater accuracy when providing
          online documentation for construction and operation   A favorite project is Bell’s Lightbox in downtown Toronto.
          of a space. REVIT and other modeling techniques take   As home to the Toronto International Film Festival, it
          this documentation a step further. By mapping building   needed to cater to every possible movie format and scale
          services, the model becomes increasingly accurate to   delivery to allow for multiple (unpredictable) audience
          the conditions the occupant is experiencing. The promise   sizes. It was built to accommodate both analog and
          of virtualization and digital controls is to take this model   digital formats. Although an underappreciated technical
          to ever finer levels of granularity. Rather than set a   marvel (it’s over 10 years old already); it is really a mar-
          temperature for a floor, a digital twin potentially allows   vel of service delivery for cinema. Each cinema space is
          for control at the meeting room level. This capability may   dynamically adjusted to on-demand need. The venue is an
          be a significant differentiator as new technology services   early example of how services can be used to organize a
          emerge. At the moment it is simply a framework to    digital twin not delivery technology.
          implement policy controls on a virtual space (property).
                                                               What do I have to get right when building a digital twin?
          Can existing sites be digitized cost-effectively?    You must have a strategy to ensure naming is consistent
          Yes. But sites gain most from integrating their smart   across locations and services. One objection at this
          systems with the online twin. Both new construction and   point is: we already have systems that do everything you
          existing properties can be digitized by ensuring building   just said. Why do we need to virtualize the building as an
          documentation and device naming use consistent naming   aggregated whole? The problem is that each of the existing
          techniques. But beyond this simplified representation   subsystems address space and service using their own
          of the building, features and capabilities are provided by   terminology and operational techniques. Heat is applied
          ‘smart’ automation. Digital twins gain their power from   to a zone, whereas electricity is measured by circuit and
          accurately mapping locations and their services.     elevators measured by wait time—and all of these systems
                                                               are limited by how the service was originally installed.
          The concept of a building as a collection of spaces   Managing the space as a whole requires correlating
          also allows for space management across properties.   services by location, not subsystem.
          Virtualization allows the building (space) to be managed
          in different aggregations thereby leveraging scarce   What is the biggest unresolved issue in the
          expertise or economies of scale. One example is      transformation?
          surveillance camera systems (DVMS) which are often   That depends on who is running the Command &
          aggregated into multi-building command centers. Another   Control–the Twin, the local Operator, or the Occupant.
          is the highly desired feature of every call center—an ability   In these early days of virtualization, there will be a lot of

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