Page 36 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 36

mobile phones are on. The building’s access points can
          match the mobile number to the occupant for automatic
          enhancement and security.

          Looking Ahead: The IP-based BMS
          Now that the initial technology is complete, Sinclair
          is developing (with industry partners LG, Cisco and
          VoltServer) a brand new open source IP-based sys-
          tem for the BMS. They are moving away from the
          typical BACnet-based BMS, made possible because
          of the IP-address connectivity to every device, from
          cameras to smoke detectors to AC units. All installa-
          tions already have an interactive GUI-based system,
          so communication is in place. It’s just a matter of
          combining them to create a digital twin on a com-
          mon platform.

                                                               requires partnering with companies and municipalities
                                                               that are forward-looking and understand the potential.
                                                               Sinclair began its journey by working with Cisco and
          The Future of Stored Energy                          learning about their lighting projects; that led to other
          All high-rises require emergency backup power for life   partnerships with lighting companies and then organiza-
          safety systems, typically a diesel generator. The Sinclair is   tions that developed PoE drivers. Cisco’s Catalyst Digital
          first in the world to use Lithium Ion Battery energy storage   Building Series Switch is the first purpose-built switch for
          to replace the diesel generator. City code does not spec-  smart buildings designed specifically for powering and
          ify backup type as long as it meets the UL 924 standard.   connecting multiple siloed building subsystems (lighting,
          Aslam had visited LG’s headquarters in Korea, where he   HVAC, sensors, A/V, and security network) onto a single
          discovered a similar compact Lithium ion battery system.   unified low voltage IP network.
          Modifications were made to make it compliant, and the
          system passed with flying colors.                    Cities that partner with businesses for energy and
                                                               sustainability measures can greatly improve both
          Aslam sees the industry moving towards the stored energy   entities. “Fort Worth is the 13th largest city in the
          model to avoid peak-energy-usage problems. He envisions   nation, and they were great partners because they were
          an 80-story high-rise with 10 different battery packs stra-  amenable to new ideas,” says Aslam. “We changed
          tegically placed. There may be a small wind turbine on the   the industry standard.” The federal government is also
          rooftop; the windows will have film that harvests energy.   interested in the technology, promoting a healthy synergy
          Achieving net-zero capability with this type of daytime har-  between government and business.
          vesting will become common in the same way that electric
          cars have become mainstream.                         This high-tech hotel offers guests the seamless amenity
                                                               experience, and many lessons learned for the building
          Public and Private Partnerships for Innovation       industry. Cities would do well to look at what Fort Worth
          Planning future projects with predictive technologies   is achieving today.

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