Page 26 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 26

Business Solutions



          Matthew Lennan                                      This approach takes advantage of the operational desire
          Innovator in Residence                              for remote Command & Control functionality. Currently,
          Oxford Properties                                   this level of capability is only predictably available for
                                                              HVAC systems. A better analogy is found in the automo-
          THERE IS SOMETHING ABOUT a good marketing term      tive industry where five levels of autonomy for self-driving
          that really fires up the imagination and the term digital twin   cars have been defined. Similar efforts are underway to
          hits the right note. It sounds pretty cool, so it must be a   create a baseline for comparing digital capabilities across
          useful technology—right? The concept has been rumbling   buildings.
          around for a while and it’s time to clear up some of the
          confusion and clarify the solid opportunity. As CRE begins   Digital twins need to strike the balance between detail and
          reopening in a post-coronavirus environment, the business   utility and investments in digital twins need to keep scale
          case for digital twins is increasingly clear and compelling.  in perspective. The hospital wayfinding analogy works
                                                              here. The map does not need to show the average visitor
          A digital twin is a simplified data representation of an   the location of specific Operating rooms, let alone their
          object. Boats, weather systems, cakes etc. all have famil-  installed features. Instead it needs to show the location of
          iar analogs in the form of cruise ship maps, dashboard   waiting rooms and the cafeteria. When it comes to digital
          KPI or delightful recipes. For my purposes, a digital twin   twins in CRE, use cases help keep the business case
          is an online data representation of a structure and the   and extent of integration in perspective. There may be a
          activities that occur in it. Virtualization is another import-  technical ambition to model the entire building, but the
          ant term to note as it describes the process of making a   business use case sets the boundaries of what systems
          digital copy of a physical entity.                  are considered integral or optional to the investment.

          Many vendors also include operational features and func-  When a building is virtualized, it is carved up into
          tionality when describing their product as a digital twin.   minimum viable architectural spaces described by

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