Page 21 - RC2020-EDGEMagazine_SummerEdition
P. 21

2. Outside expertise                                 FDD systems are designed to constantly monitor your sys-
          The migration to a smart building system is nothing to   tem, tracking changes to energy consumption, equipment
          undertake on a whim. Identifying the business strategies,   data points and other key data to develop trends and alert-
          performing cost-benefit analysis, developing operational   ing you when your systems are not performing at design or
          tactics and choosing the right contractor to make your   peak efficiency. This early warning system will save dollars
          vision a reality will require expertise and experience likely   and downtime by notifying maintenance teams of issues
          not available in house. You’ll want to hire a consultant that   before they become problematic. An FDD can even be
          can guide the process, from creating the business plan and   integrated with a computerized maintenance management
          its justification to closing out the project. When you seek   system to automatically dispatch personnel to investigate
          help, look for these qualifications:                 or do the repair. Given its capabilities, an FDD is indispens-
                                                               able and will pay for itself many times over.
          •  Find a consultant that is hardware and software agnostic.
            This is important. The right consultant should be inter-  4. IT partnership
            ested in helping you reach your smart building objectives,   I cannot overstate the importance of partnering with the
            not selling you their system product. You’ll want to choose   IT network provider as early as possible in this process.
            the hardware and software that best meets your needs.  Depending on the situation, it may be the corporate IT
                                                               department or working with them and a vendor, or you
          •  Look for someone that speaks business as well as con-  may partner directly with an outside IT provider. In any
            trol jargon. The consultant’s job is to clarify your objec-  case, including them in your vision from the onset will
            tives and articulate them in a way that helps create the   help them deliver the IT network that will support the
            business case. They should be able to help put together   smart building system.
            the estimated costs and savings information that you’ll
            need to secure the funds to start the project.     The IT partner will need to understand how the various
                                                               platforms and the front end will be integrated. They
          •  The consultant should guide you through the phase of   will need to develop cybersecurity standards that the
            determining what programs or use cases to incorpo-  hardware and software providers will be required to meet.
            rate. You’ll want their guidance in identifying those that   The provision of log-in credentials and the application of
            are critical “must haves,” those that are advanced and   single sign-on rules must be worked out so that access to
            create an ROI and those that are strictly for branding or   the various platforms by the FDD, GUI and other systems
            employee experience purposes.                      isn’t hampered by the need to log in for each data
          •  Of course, the consultant needs to be an expert in the
            areas of controls and integration, both the art of the   Rest assured that there will be issues with integration and
            possible and the practical aspects of getting various plat-  cybersecurity during the installation of the system. While
            forms to communicate. This includes a working knowl-  most control platforms today talk in BACnet or other
            edge of IT and building systems.                   known protocols, each one has its idiosyncrasies that
                                                               may create some obstacle to cross-platform communica-
          •  Lastly, keep the consultant around for the construction   tion. Having the IT teamwork with the system integrator
            and turnover of the project. You may want them to help   will make those problems easier to resolve.
            you create specifications and/or request for quotes from
            hardware and software vendors. They should be involved   There are many more facets to this exciting new tech-
            in the review of any control design drawings and submit-  nology that would require many pages to discuss. These
            tals to ensure the smart building concepts are followed.   four points, however, are critical as you start your journey
            Ideally, they can assist with commissioning your graphics   to a more efficient, safe and reliable building.
            and control sequences and help you determine what type
            of ongoing maintenance expertise you may need to keep         John recently retired as Executive Director of Global
            your system functioning.                                      Building Engineering Services for Warner Media’s
                                                                          Global Real Estate team. In his role, he provided strate-
          3. Fault detection diagnostics (FDD)                            gic and technical direction for building engineering ser-
          FDD is the AI of the smart building system. While it’s possible   vices across the Warner Media (formerly Time Warner)
          to have an integrated, multi-platform system with a common   portfolio and leads Centers of Excellence (COEs) for best practices in
          graphical user interface (GUI) without an FDD, it’s a lost oppor-  areas including equipment maintenance, HVAC, critical systems, fire/
          tunity if it is deleted. Make sure your plans and budget include   life safety, utilities operations, infrastructure planning, work order
          this critical software addition.                     management, BMS, electrical, plumbing, and energy management.

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