Page 33 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 33

ExxonMobil Campus - Spring, TX

                productive—so everyone uses it. It doesn’t matter if they   product. We created a master data catalog to really under-
                connect to the LAN or WiFi; as long as their laptop is   stand what data we have and where that data resides, to
                connected to the unit, it allows them to use all the desk   work towards creating the Unified Data Model. It allows
                technology—and lets us know they are there.          us to develop applications much more quickly, making it a
                                                                     key enabler. Now all new development and everything that
                Not only can I track locally, this system also gives me   we’re trying to achieve through a smart building strategy
                global utilization and trends. With accurate data on a   (and our overarching digital strategy) all operate in har-
                day-by-day basis, we can aggregate up to track by floor   mony with that data model.
                or location, which facilitates staffing decisions in other
                parts of the world. Hypothetically, if we wished to expand   What are your highest priority technology initiatives in
                in a particular location; I can look at the running trend   2019 and what are the drivers behind them?
                and tell you if the current building has room for growth,   Our focus for 2019 is to scale our smart building work
                then easily reshuffle some of the neighborhoods to   to impact a large portion of our portfolio, because there
                accommodate extra people. We continue to expand our   are so many benefits from sustainability and operational
                activity-based working across our portfolio to capture its   efficiency. We want to start seeing how to really capture
                benefits.                                            that value at scale.

                Another project begun last year was the development of a   Another is building out our strategic partner ecosystem;
                Unified Data Model, which for some people may be boring   finding ways to work with innovative new companies
                (remember, think exotic car engine), but it is incredibly   that have great new ideas. We did a lot of work to create
                necessary to scale and enable everything we’d like to do.   an Innovation Playbook in 2018 that includes modular
                We took a holistic approach. We looked at a number of key   contracts; it helps speed up the contract process and get
                processes, some of which were very large processes that   to a pilot or PoC. This year we’re putting it to use with
                are fundamental to driving value in our business. Then we   startups and others that have ideas to help foster, test at
                used process mapping to map those from start to finish:   scale, and develop real value.
                every time someone touched the data, every time an action
                was taken, every time information was put into a system,   Last year was foundational in the sense that we spent
                every time a system did something with that data, gener-  a lot of time developing a world class digital and smart
                ated an input, conducted analysis, etc.—all the way to final   building strategy and gaining buy-in across all levels of


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