Page 36 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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On the Cover

                                                                     and facilities connect with the occupant. It’s not about
                                                                     leveraging the mobile phone, or Bluetooth, or some other
                                                                     technology—we are really trying to make the building
                                                                     adapt. The employee experience has to drive the technol-
                                                                     ogy or initiative; we want to improve their journey. We are
                                                                     driving operations to be smarter by moving beyond ana-
                                                                     lytics and focusing on actions and decisions.

                                                                     What major technology projects has Facebook
                                                                     been working on recently?
                                                                     Our goal is to increase employee productivity by two
                                                                     percent by the removal of wasted time. We’re looking
                                                                     at measurable ways to do that through automation,
                                                                     whether it’s elevator wait time, waiting in lines to get food,
                                                                     adjusting temperature, closing blinds or transportation
                                                                     between buildings. Removing and reducing non-
                                                                     productive activities removes hurdles for employees.
                ZORBA MANOLOPOULOS
                SMART CAMPUSES


                Zorba Manolopoulos is the Global Program Manager,
                Smart Campuses at Facebook. His group is responsible
                for developing and executing the Smart Building/Campus
                strategy. They are charged with incubating ideas and lead-
                ing development of solutions for Facebook’s worldwide
                portfolio and pushing forward the Smart Campus vision to
                bridge the gap of current product offerings. Their goal is
                to deliver comprehensive Real Estate solutions supporting
                the Occupant Experience while benefiting teams in Facility
                Management, Workplace Design, and Construction.

                Tell us a little about your role within your organization.
                I lead a team to explore new methods on how to design,   Facebook Headquarters - Menlo Park, CA
                build and operate our corporate campuses to make
                them more intuitive and adaptive to the occupant.    We are starting with Operational Smart Building, which is
                This includes Real Estate planning, Facility Operations,   reviewing all processes for FacOps and providing improve-
                Culinary, Transportation and Security. We’re empowering   ments to streamline the process. This includes the ROI of
                employees on one side and optimizing operations on   our buildings, to review cost impact over the total life of
                the other. It is a balance, as the best service may not   the building. From operational efficiencies to energy con-
                necessarily be the fastest service.                  sumption. We want to work smarter and lower our energy
                                                                     even while we grow. With operational smart buildings, we
                We work with other engineering teams across the com-  look at the process first. We have lots of different buildings
                pany and leverage their designs, products and experience   and the processes in each may be a bit different. We look
                to provide the best solutions for our employees. I am   at the process from point of complaint to resolution; not-
                looking for solutions that will help make our buildings    ing the different steps required to resolve, then optimizing


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