Page 28 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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are respecting people’s privacy concerns. We have also cre-
                                                                     ated a mobile visitor entry solution that allows a QR code
                                                                     to be sent to a visitor. It can be used on mobile devices
                                                                     for turnstile entry without the need for a mobile app.

                                                                     The deployment of drone detection technologies at
                                                                     Hudson Yards is another; we want to know when an
                                                                     unauthorized drone enters our airspace. We have con-
                                                                     cerns both from a physical safety perspective and the
                                                                     cybersecurity perspective around drone intrusions and
                                                                     we take these incidents very seriously.

                                                                     Additionally, we deployed a middleware platform
                                                                     which will eventually connect all principal systems at
                                                                     Hudson Yards and other Related assets. So many of
                                                                     our systems require interconnectivity; it didn’t make
                                                                     sense to build point-to-point integrations between all
                                                                     the systems because then you end up with this massive
                KENNETH FINNEGAN                                     spider web of integrations. The important part is the
                                                                     architecture around the middleware platform. It provides
                CIO, MANAGING DIRECTOR OF                            a universal messaging Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) so
                TECHNOLOGY                                           the applications can publish relevant data across the
                HUDSON YARDS                                         bus; then other applications that are listening for relevant
                                                                     data can consume that data as needed. If we decide to
                                                                     change, for example, a visitor management system, all
                                                                     we have to do is decouple the old system and recouple
                As CIO and Managing Director of Technology of Hudson   the new application to the bus, removing the need to
                Yards, Kenneth Finnegan manages the development of   rebuild the multiple integrations. We can connect these
                technology processes and teams to support the largest   disparate systems that previously weren’t necessarily
                private real estate development in U.S. history, and in   designed to communicate with each other to do just that.
                New York City, since Rockefeller Center. The site will
                include more than 18 million square feet of commercial   We have a large variety of different structures: a pure
                and residential space.                               residential building, a large retail facility, a true mixed-use
                                                                     (hotel, retail, residential, commercial) and pure commercial
                Tell us about your role within your organization.    buildings. Each of these buildings was designed by differ-
                I work to develop and operate technology solutions to   ent architects, with different specifications for technology
                improve the daily experiences of our commercial, retail and   systems. The technology team came in after a lot of those
                residential tenants. I work closely with our leadership team   decisions were made, but this is where the concept of the
                to ensure that we are leveraging technology to deliver the   universal Enterprise Service Bus comes in, allowing funda-
                best possible experiences to our customers on a daily basis.   mentally different systems to communicate.
                Our team is responsible for the software platforms, applica-
                tions, and building systems across all of Hudson Yards.  What are your highest priority technology initiatives in
                                                                     2019 and what are the drivers behind them?
                What were the major technology projects you           The continued tuning of our wireless infrastructure,
                started or completed last year?                      and preparations for the arrival of 5G. 5G is enhancing
                 One is the use of biometric entry into commercial office   the opportunity for commercial tenants to reduce their
                spaces. This tenant entry solution allows secure entry into   CAPEX and OPEX expenditures on traditional wired
                building turnstiles. One of the advantages is that it’s touch-  networks by reducing the need for physical connections.
                less; you just wave your hand—it’s a contact-less solution   Once you remove things like wall jacks and switches
                that stores the biometric information as a mathematical   in the network closet, then you’ve reduced the need for
                hash. We’re extremely focused on ensuring our solutions   large scale physical infrastructure devices. It’s going to


         RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd   26                                                   4/19/19   3:17 PM
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