Page 27 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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On the Cover

                       RECALIBRATING THE INDUSTRY


                       LEVERAGE TECHNOLOGY FOR

                       INNOVATION IN REAL ESTATE

                       BUSINESS LEADERS TAKE PRIDE IN FULFILLING THEIR COMPANY’S VISION. As they develop strategy and
                       shape initiatives, they must meet dual goals: using technology to enhance processes while ensuring that
                       technology investments align with and improve the business objectives. Digital transformation is proffered
 In-Building Wireless Service   as a worthy pursuit, and there are many encouraging success stories in the corporate world. But new tech-
                       nologies may present inconsistent results, especially if data gathering and analysis are not focused on the
 for Today’s SMART, 5G-Ready   desired outcome.

                       Technology is dynamic and has its own momentum. It brings 21st century business challenges that have
 Commercial Properties  grown in complexity, requiring continual change management to leverage the benefits. It also brings new

                       risks, as extreme connectivity in building systems and the IoT remain top concerns for cybersecurity pro-
                       tocols. As the industry continues to reevaluate the ways we use and experience space, Commercial and
                       Corporate Real Estate owners and operators will also adjust strategies and perhaps begin to measure suc-
                       cess in new ways. We spoke with our 2019 Realcomm | IBcon Advisory Council Co-Chairs for their views on
                       their company’s vision and the future of the industry.

               Wireless Infrastructure

      Service Enhancement

 Ready To Make The WISE Choice

 For Your SMART Building?  K. Finnegan  A. Prater   J. Summers       A. McCann        Z. Manolopoulos   C. Osteen
                                  Brookfield Properties
                                                                     Highwoods Properties
                                                                                                        Granite Properties
                 Hudson Yards
 Visit us at or call 1-833-AIRWAVZ today!


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