Page 24 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
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Intelligent Buildings



                DATA AND TECHNOLOGY

                DEB NOLLER                                             •  Emerging technology solutions are driving massive
                CEO and Co-founder                                        change in real estate operations but collabo-
                Switch Automation                                         rating across all departments to make the right
                                                                          procurement decisions can be difficult.

                Facilities teams are the unsung heroes who prevent     •  Companies are under pressure to reduce environ-
                catastrophes, save money, make tenants happy and          mental impact, but they don’t have data-driven
                ensure large portfolios operate smoothly. And they do it   benchmarks to help them create results-oriented
                all while balancing staff reductions, budget cuts and the   sustainability programs.
                deluge of emerging technology. How can we empower
                them with the tools to embrace digital facilities manage-  Our team used data from independent research firm
                ment when every building and portfolio is unique?   Verdantix that incorporates interviews with over 300
                                                                    real estate executives to create our own Building
                Until now, we’ve had to rely on siloed solutions to man-  Management Hierarchy of Needs.
                age the rapidly evolving ecosystem of buildings and
                technology. Today, traditional building management is   Buildings significantly impact our lives in a multitude of
                at a turning point. Isolated point solutions, spreadsheets   ways, and that’s exactly why it’s important for them to be
                and stand-alone BMSs aren’t enough to organize and   well-run. A successfully operating building increases energy
                action the tidal wave of data pouring in from our assets.   efficiency, lowers operational costs and allows facility man-
                It’s time to consider how we can apply the latest industry   agers to get ahead of occupant complaints while increasing
                innovations to maximize the value of our existing sys-  tenant satisfaction, comfort and retention. It’s nearly impos-
                tems and equipment.                                 sible to focus on the top tier of the Building Management
                                                                    Hierarchy of Needs, Brand Reputation, without first meeting
                The Building Management Hierarchy of Needs          fundamental needs like OPEX Reduction.
                In 1943, Abraham Maslow developed his famous hierar-
                chy of needs. His theory posited that humans are moti-  Enabling Digital Facilities Management
                vated to achieve certain needs and that some of those   When embarking on the journey to digital facilities manage-
                needs take priority over others. Basic needs are physio-  ment consider your building needs, resources and goals. Get
                logical and must be met before a person can advance to   key stakeholders involved early and collaborate to define your
                the psychological, followed by the fully actualized tiers.  portfolio’s strengths and limitations. Use them to inform stra-
                                                                    tegic conversations and prevent unnecessary roadblocks.
                Facility management is no different. Often, the tyranny
                of the urgent reigns supreme and busy building opera-  For example, how will tenant satisfaction and occupant
                tors are stymied by inefficient processes, disconnected   comfort factor into the program? How can you incorpo-
                assets and lack of end-to-end solutions. Consider these   rate real-time business intelligence to make better deci-
                factors:                                            sions? Once your strategy is in place, you can dive deeper
                                                                    into establishing project timing, budget and integration
                   •  A multitude of different data-producing building   of existing building systems and equipment. Build on
                      systems and network architectures make        this solid foundation of strategy and project design by
                      standardizing data to gain actionable insights   establishing clear roles and responsibilities along with a
                      nearly impossible.                            process for tagging and filtering your valuable data.


         RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd   22                                                   4/19/19   3:17 PM
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