Page 20 - RC19 EDGE Spring All - final-2 - hi res
P. 20

The vision for our new headquarters was to build a model   A short timeline and brand-new technology
                for the operational efficiency, collaboration, and produc-  To realize our vision, many things had to come together
                tivity gains that are possible now in construction by   quickly. The shell of the building was already under
                leveraging emerging technology. The goal was to create   construction when the choice to go PoE was made,
                a tangible showcase for our growing digital building   which meant—for financial and contractual reasons—we
                business—demonstrating the potential in IoT and PoE to   had just ten months to design and put it all together.
                current and new clients. For decades, facilities managers   The developer of the building needed to be convinced
                have used the time-tested ‘3-30-300 Rule’ when evaluating   to use the technology, and contractors with knowledge
                real estate. It’s essentially the breakdown of what an   of low-voltage systems had to be found and signed up.
                organization pays per square foot in total occupancy costs:   Some of the equipment wasn’t even yet fully available for
                roughly $3 for utilities, $30 for rent, and $300 for employ-  testing during the design process, so we made educated
                ee-related expenses in salary and benefits, etc. Until now,   assumptions and took risks that it would work as
                the first two lower numbers were widely viewed as the area   planned.
                where building managers could have the greatest impact.
                With our new headquarters, we intended to prove the focus   IoT connects, automates, and controls all electronic
                should include that third—and much larger—number using   systems and devices within the building, such as HVAC,
                technology to significantly improve worker productivity and   lighting, meters and sensors, water, power, communi-
                the user experience; thereby boosting efficiency while also   cations, collaboration, meeting room scheduling,
                attracting the best employees.                       televisions, occupancy tracking, and security.

                We chose Fort Mill because CompuCom already had a   Every light fixture is both LED and PoE, which saves
                significant footprint in the Charlotte region—including   energy and allows all lighting throughout the building to
                being the location for many of the company’s top-level   be controlled by sensors—meaning there are absolutely no
                executives—and there were significant tax incentives from   light switches on the walls anywhere. The light levels are
                the state of South Carolina to be gained.           automatically adjusted based on occupancy and time of


         RC19 EDGE Spring All but Covers - final - 19APR.indd   18                                                   4/19/19   3:16 PM
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